Adomeit’s Will

Suhrkamp | Insel
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Russia (AST), France (Métailié)

Previously published in the respective language / territory; rights available again: Spanish world rights (Adriana Hidalgo), Slovenia (Litera), Domestic Rights Sales: German Book Club (Der Club Bertelsmann)

Adomeit’s Will / Wäldchestag
aspekte Prize for Literature 2000
What is reality? This question is explored in fascinating style in this inventive, finely-drawn novel, which touches on language, the social construction of meaning, the relationship between things, events and our existences, and the way in which we try to make sense of all these in words.

Yet here is no abstruse treatise but a story in the true sense, an acutely observed comedy of manners, and an often amusing depiction of human hypocrisy, narrow-mindedness and...
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What is reality? This question is explored in fascinating style in this inventive, finely-drawn novel, which touches on language, the social construction of meaning, the relationship between things, events and our existences, and the way in which we try to make sense of all these in words.

Yet here is no abstruse treatise but a story in the true sense, an acutely observed comedy of manners, and an often amusing depiction of human hypocrisy, narrow-mindedness and fickleness.

The chain of events the book describes is set in motion by the death of Adomeit, an enigmatic and maverick old man in a small village in the Wetterau, just north of Frankfurt, in which everybody knows everybody else’s business, or thinks he does. The entire story is reported second-hand, or even third-hand, by the narrator, whose role is simply to relay the information, speculation and rumour passed on by a young friend of Adomeit’s as they wait in the queue at the local health insurance office. The entire German text is in the subjunctive of reported speech, thus distancing the reader from what is being described and warning him that the version of the events he is hearing is not necessarily the only one. The key to ›truth‹ is language, and language is seperate from ›reality‹. Stories develop their own dynamic as Adomeit’s death, funeral and the reading of his will interfere with and subsequently influence other narrative strands within the village. The movements, machinations and arguments of a host of disparate characters are gleefully reported and discussed by the multitude of the ever-present, all-seeing locals.

This is a stylish, elegant and entertaining piece of work, containing elements of the detective novel – who is interested in Adomeit and his will, and why? – and ending with a scene in which one of the young characters seizes a fake weapon in the local pub and is reported in the press as the attempted instigator of a murderous rampage. A case of existential confusion? Who can tell? Read and make your guess. new books in german, autumn 2000

2000, 314 pages
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Andreas Maier, born in Bad Nauheim, Hesse, in 1967, studied philosophy and German philology, and subsequently classical philology. He lives near Frankfurt am Main. Among numerous other honours, he was awarded the ZDF-»aspekte«-Literaturpreis, the Robert-Gernhardt-Preis, the Wilhelm-Raabe-Literaturpreis and the Franz-Hessel-Preis.
Andreas Maier, born in Bad Nauheim, Hesse, in 1967, studied philosophy and German philology, and subsequently classical philology. He lives near...


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Rights sold to:
Greece (World Books)
The University
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Goethe University Frankfurt. 1988, 1989. An entirely different degree back then: in short, nothing less than complete freedom. From drinking beer in the pub »Doctor Flotte« to seminars on truth theory (which see the philosophy students rushing to the doctor’s already mid-semester) a complete loss of self is just around the corner for our protagonist, while time too is getting turned on its...

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Rights sold to:

Denmark (Batzer)

The Street
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In the beginning it was nothing more than doctor games, but now there’s an adult-like urgency to them. Later, the teen magazine Bravo comes out and there is, for the first time, a language...
Rights sold to:

Denmark (Rosenkilde & Bahnhof)

The House
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Rights sold to:

Denmark (Rosenkilde & Bahnhof)

The Room
Year of Publication: 2010
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Rights sold to:

Denmark (Rosenkilde & Bahnhof), Norway (Hovde & Brekke)

Previously published in the respective language / territory; rights available again: English world rights digital (Frisch & Co.), Spanish world rights (Adriana Hidalgo), Czech Republic (Archa), Macedonia (Goten)

Year of Publication: 2009
Andreas MaierYear of Publication: 2009
Like a folk festival, Andreas Maier paints a droll and bold, ironically affectionate picture of contemporary German society, this time in the center of provincial East Germany.

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Rights sold to:

Russia (AST), Poland (ATUT)

Previously published in the respective language / territory; rights available again: Spanish world rights (Adriana Hidalgo Editora), Netherlands (Ambo/Anthos)

Year of Publication: 2002
Andreas MaierYear of Publication: 2002
One thing is clear: »Klausen is the scene of the crime.« But what really happens in this dream holiday village in South Tyrol is the subject of heated controversy. There is talk of an...
Rights sold to:

English world rights (Open Letter), Russia (AST), France (Actes Sud)

Previously published in the respective language / territory; rights available again: Spanish world rights (Tusquets), Italy (Aliberti)

Domestic Rights Sales: German Audiobook (Der Hörverlag)