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Draughts / Windzüge
If you wanted to ascribe a style to Christian Lehnert’s poetry, it would most likely be that of the metaphysical poetry. In that way, his poems claim a unique position in contemporary German poetry; following the examples of poets like John Donne, Shakespeare of George Herbert, his influences stem mostly from the Anglo-Saxon tradition of poetry.

In Draughts, poems purposefully transcend the experience of landscape and nature, edging along gravel and rails,...
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If you wanted to ascribe a style to Christian Lehnert’s poetry, it would most likely be that of the metaphysical poetry. In that way, his poems claim a unique position in contemporary German poetry; following the examples of poets like John Donne, Shakespeare of George Herbert, his influences stem mostly from the Anglo-Saxon tradition of poetry.

In Draughts, poems purposefully transcend the experience of landscape and nature, edging along gravel and rails, happening upon vehicles, machinery, depots and slopes, crossing waste lands and steering through channels and watergates, on and onwards in the direction of an urban centre that remains imaginary for the time being. The fact that it’s time for other languages to discover the poetry of Christian Lehnert shall be shown by example of »Deutschland liegt am Meer« [Germany by the Sea]:


Deutschland liegt am Meer

Wie Watt, ein weicher Grund, und Echo, schweig ich nur.
Wie wunde Schollen, Lehm, als läge Land noch brach.
Ein Findling, ausgespült – hier treib ich fort und fort.

Den Toten mein Gedächtnis,
den Alten mein Vermächtnis,
und was ich tue, tut ein jeder auch.

Es ist mir Jahr um Jahr, aus Fernen, heimgekehrt,
wie eine Hand den Ton mit einem Bogen formt:
Das Land, wer glaubt es noch? Wer hofft noch, ist an Land?

Du bist mein Sohn! So dröhnt der Wald,
wo Buchen brachen in die Wellen.
Auf Ascheflözen, auf Asphalt
hör ich den Wind in Böen bellen.

Das Land – gelobter Stein, so glänzend naß vor mir,
ich heb ihn nicht. Er liegt in einer andern Zeit,
und die ihn fanden, sind in andrem Blut erstickt.

Betörend, sagt man, sei der Schwalbenschrei
am Meer. So still, mir stockt das Ohr:
Kein Laut kommt aus dem Dunst hervor.
Kein Land, kein Grund, wo Deutschland sei.

»He is simply a great lyricist with a rare sense for the beautiful.« Hans Werner Henze

»The fact that he shares his doubts, his search with us, makes him likeable. With Lehnert’s new poems even the passages where he fails are fascinating.« Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

»He is simply a great lyricist with a rare sense for the beautiful.« Hans Werner Henze

»The fact that he shares his doubts, his search with us, makes him likeable. With Lehnert’s new poems even the passages where he fails are fascinating.« Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

2015, 108 pages
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Christian Lehnert, born in Dresden in 1969, studied theology, religious studies and Middle Eastern studies in Leipzig, Berlin and Jerusalem. He then worked as a pastor near Dresden. He has been head of the Department for Liturgy Studies of the United Protestant-Lutheran Church of Germany at the University of Leipzig since 2012. He is a member of Saxony’s Academy of Fine Arts and the Academy for Sciences and Literature in Mainz.

Christian Lehnert, born in Dresden in 1969, studied theology, religious studies and Middle Eastern studies in Leipzig, Berlin and Jerusalem. He...


The House and the Lamb
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opus 8
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Cherub Dust
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