Is it possible to be a Jewish Intellectual?

Sociological essays on Israel
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Is it possible to be a Jewish Intellectual? / Israel
Sociological essays on Israel
#8 Influential Women in Sociology From the Last 10 Years (Academic Influence)

Where is Israel headed?

What is happening in a country where security is of such importance that a female physician is willing to take part in a conspiracy to commit murder because she is convinced that in doing so she will be defending that country? Would high-ranking Israeli politicians or military leaders be willing to protect a member of a minority against the suspicion of high treason? These are the types of questions Eva Illouz traces in her essays about Israel.

Based on actual political...

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What is happening in a country where security is of such importance that a female physician is willing to take part in a conspiracy to commit murder because she is convinced that in doing so she will be defending that country? Would high-ranking Israeli politicians or military leaders be willing to protect a member of a minority against the suspicion of high treason? These are the types of questions Eva Illouz traces in her essays about Israel.

Based on actual political developments and personal experiences she paints a dramatic portrait of Israeli society: The growing identification with ethnicity and religion, according to her thesis, is threatening to subvert its liberal character. Illouz’s highly respected and provocative texts combine astute analyses with an uncompromising plea for an open society – a desperately needed voice from a region marked by extremism.

»Eva Illouz warns of the extreme right in the Knesset. […] Instead of attacking the critics and discrediting them, she advises distance and self criticism.« Hans-Christian Rössler, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

»A book that is dedicated politically to the ›union of people‹, written for Israeli and Jewish readers, now translated for German readers, and we recommend it.« Elisabeth von Thadden, DIE ZEIT

»Illouz’s superbly readable essay collection is a must-read for everyone who is just the least bit interested in the so-called ›Middle East conflict‹ and who wants to contribute to the debate in an informed manner.« Micha Brumlik, Frankfurter Rundschau

»[The essays] are distinguished by analytic severity, ethical demands, political dedication. […] The big plus of her observations: The author criticizes from within. She has been living and working in Israel for decades. But due to her origin and socialization outside the country, she is able to compare its society with others from her own experiences. […] If there has to be criticism of Israel, then it should be like this: not polemical, but explanatory, always close to the matter at hand, intelligent and with a kind heart.« NZZ

»But her essay collection is no Israel-bashing, but intelligent, kind-hearted Israel-criticism. […] If one has to criticize Israel, then it should be done like this: not polemically, but explanatory and close to the matter at hand« Carsten Hueck, Deutschlandradio Kultur

»The essay collection by Israeli sociologist Eva Illouz belongs among the most interesting publications on the identity of the Israeli nation. […] An excellent collection. Chapeau, Ms. Illouz!« International

»Eva Illouz warns of the extreme right in the Knesset. […] Instead of attacking the critics and discrediting them, she advises distance and self criticism.« Hans-Christian Rössler, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

»A book that is dedicated politically to the ›union of people‹, written for Israeli and Jewish readers, now translated for German readers, and we recommend it.« Elisabeth von Thadden, DIE ZEIT

»Illouz’s superbly readable essay collection is a...

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2015, 229 pages
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Eva Illouz, born in Morocco in 1961, is Directrice d’Etudes at the Centre européen de sociologie et de science politique, CESSP-EHESS in Paris. She has received numerous awards for her work, including the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s Annaliese Meier International Award for Excellence in Research and the E.M.E.T Award for Social Sciences, the highest scientific distinction in Israel. In 2022, Academic Influence listed her among the Influential Women in Sociology From the Last 10 Years (#8).
Eva Illouz, born in Morocco in 1961, is Directrice d’Etudes at the Centre européen de sociologie et de science politique, CESSP-EHESS in...


Explosive Modernity
Year of Publication: 2024
Eva IllouzYear of Publication: 2024
In her new book, sociologist Eva Illouz takes a look at our highly charged present from the perspective of the emotions that forge it. Envy and rage, jealousy and shame, disappointment and love are...
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English world rights (Princeton), Spanish world rights (Katz), Catalan (Edicions 62), Chinese simplex (Shanghai Insight Media), Arabic world rights (Page Seven), France (Gallimard), Italy (Einaudi), Netherlands (Ten Have), Korea (Cheongmi), Greece (Patakis)

The Emotional Life of Populism
Year of Publication: 2023
Eva IllouzYear of Publication: 2023

Throughout the world, democracy is under assault by various populist movements and ideologies. And throughout the world, the same enigma: why is it that political figures or governments, who have...

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English world rights (Polity), Spanish world rights (Katz), Arabic world rights (Page Seven), France (Premier Parallèle), Italy (Castelvecchi), Sweden (Daidalos), Turkey (Lejand), Israel (Van Leer Institute), Korea (Cheongmi)

What is Sexual Capital?
Year of Publication: 2021
Dana Kaplan, Eva IllouzYear of Publication: 2021

It is not nature that determines our ideas about sexuality, but society. Whereas it was religion that regulated sex in the past, today it is the economy. No wonder, then, that »sexual«...

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English world rights (Polity), Chinese simplex rights (Ginkgo (Shanghai) Book Co. / Post Wave), France (Seuil), Sweden (Daidalos), Korea (HanulPlus), Greece (Ekdoseis tou Eikostou Protou)

Spanish edition available through Herder, Italian edition available through Castelvecchi


The End of Love
Year of Publication: 2018
Eva IllouzYear of Publication: 2018

Western culture has endlessly represented the ways in which love miraculously erupts in people's lives – the mythical moment in which one knows someone is destined to us, the feverish waiting for...

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English world rights (Polity), Spanish world rights (Katz), Catalan (Tigre de Paper), Chinese simplex rights (Shanghai Insight Media), Chinese complex rights (Linking), Russia (Directmedia), Arabic world rights (Page Seven), France (Seuil), Italy (Codice), Netherlands (Ten Have), Sweden (Daidalos), Korea (Dolbegae), Greece (Ekdoseis tou Eikostou Protou), Israel (Modan)

Hard-Core Romance
Year of Publication: 2013
Eva IllouzYear of Publication: 2013
E.L. James’s BDSM Fifty Shades trilogy was an enormous success worldwide, particularly with women. But why? Because of the allegedly pornographic content? Because it was...
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English world rights (Chicago UP), Spanish world rights (Katz), France (Seuil), Italy (Mimesis), Netherlands (De Bezige Bij), Poland (PWN)

Previously published in the respective language / territory; rights available again: Korea (Dolbegae), Croatia (Planetopija)

Why Love Hurts
Year of Publication: 2011
Eva IllouzYear of Publication: 2011
After the great success of Consuming the Romantic Utopia, Cold Intimacies and Saving the Modern Soul, Eva Illouz’ Why Love Hurts is yet another great...
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Spanish world rights (Katz), Chinese simplex rights (East China Normal UP), Russia (Directmedia), Arabic world rights (Page Seven), France (Seuil; French audio book: Audiolib), Italy (Il Mulino), Netherlands (De Bezige Bij), Sweden (Daidalos), Korea (Dolbegae), Japan (Fukumura Shuppan), Poland (Krytyka Polityczna), Turkey (Zen), Greece (Ekdoseis tou Eikostou Protou), Israel (Keter)

Previously published in the respective language / territory; rights available again: Chinese complex rights (Linking), Brazilian Portuguese rights (Zahar), Romania (Art), Serbia (Psihopolis Institut)

Cold Intimacies
Year of Publication: 2006
Eva IllouzYear of Publication: 2006
This book dispels some conventionally received ideas: namely, that capitalism has created an a-emotional world dominated by bureaucratic rationality; that economic behaviour conflicts with...
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English world rights (Polity), Spanish world rights (Katz), Chinese simplex rights (Shanghai Insight Media), Arabic world rights (Page Seven), France (Seuil), Italy (Feltrinelli), Korea (Dolbegae), Japan (Kong Shuppan), Poland (Oficyna Naukowa), Slovenia (Krtina), Turkey (Iletisim), Greece (Oposito), Israel (Hakkibutz Hamecheud)

Previously published in the respective language / territory; rights available again: Brazilian Portuguese rights (Jorge Zahar), Croatia (Planetopija)