Acceleration and Alienation

Towards a Critical Theory of Late-Modern Temporality
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Acceleration and Alienation / Beschleunigung und Entfremdung
Towards a Critical Theory of Late-Modern Temporality
»What is a good life – and why aren’t we living it?«

»This book is a short essay on modern life. It strives to ask the ›right‹ sorts of questions that would allow social philosophy and sociology to speak to the everyday reality of people living in late-modern societies.«

  The rapid acceleration of social life is one of the salient characteristics of the present, but it is frequently overlooked by the social sciences. Hartmut Rosa’s work on this topic has been truly groundbreaking. In his latest...
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»This book is a short essay on modern life. It strives to ask the ›right‹ sorts of questions that would allow social philosophy and sociology to speak to the everyday reality of people living in late-modern societies.«


The rapid acceleration of social life is one of the salient characteristics of the present, but it is frequently overlooked by the social sciences. Hartmut Rosa’s work on this topic has been truly groundbreaking. In his latest essay he presents an outline for a critical social theory that takes the relationship between acceleration and alienation seriously.

At the centre of his analysis is the question of the good life – and why so many people today are failing to lead one. After all, the liberalisation of moral norms and social conventions has meant that individuals living in Western societies are freer than ever before to choose and pursue their own definitions of the good life. But this liberalisation stands in opposition to the seemingly unstoppable acceleration of social life under capitalism. This regime of deadlines causes designs for life to fail and leads to an increasingly widespread sense of alienation.

»[M]odern societies [are] regulated, coordinated, and controlled by means of a close-meshed time regime […] which ethical concepts do not normally articulate.«

With great care and using concrete examples, Rosa goes in search of forms of unalienated life. This incisive essay is more than just a concise introduction to the theory of acceleration, it also opens up entirely new perspectives on how we can escape this feverish stagnation.

»His most recent volume, entitled Acceleration and Alienation, gathers all the various thematic threads of his past publications and presents them in accessible language which neatly couples theoretical perspectives with cogent insights into the daily lives of stressed-out citizens of the West.« NZZ

»His most recent volume, entitled Acceleration and Alienation, gathers all the various thematic threads of his past publications and presents them in accessible language which neatly couples theoretical perspectives with cogent insights into the daily lives of stressed-out citizens of the West.« NZZ

2013, 154 pages
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Hartmut Rosa, born in 1965, is professor of General and Theoretical Sociology at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and director of the Max Weber Center for Advanced Studies in Erfurt. He has received numerous awards for his work, including the Tractatus Prize, the Erich Fromm Prize and the Leibniz Prize.
Hartmut Rosa, born in 1965, is professor of General and Theoretical Sociology at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and director of the Max Weber...


Late Modernity in Crisis
Year of Publication: 2021
Andreas Reckwitz, Hartmut RosaYear of Publication: 2021

In times of profound social upheavals and manifest crises, there is a need for fundamental analyses that take a look at contemporary society as a whole, examine its structural features and...

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English world rights (Polity), Spanish world rights (NED Ediciones), Chinese simplex rights (Shanghai People’s Publishing House), Chinese complex rights (Wu-Nan), France (MSH), Denmark (Reitzels), Korea (Saemulgyul)


Year of Publication: 2016
Hartmut RosaYear of Publication: 2016
If acceleration is the problem, then perhaps resonance is the solution. This, in the briefest possible terms, is the central thesis of Hartmut Rosa’s latest book, which can be seen as the...
Rights sold to:

English world rights (Polity), Spanish world rights (Katz Editores), Chinese simplex rights (Shanghai People’s Publishing House), France (La Découverte), Denmark (Eksistensen), Japan (Shinsensha), Turkey (Albaraka)

Global Relationships in the Age of Acceleration
Year of Publication: 2012
Hartmut RosaYear of Publication: 2012
After Hartmut Rosa’s widely noted and successful Beschleunigung. Die Veränderung der Zeitstrukturen in der Moderne, his new work analyzes from various perspectives how the acceleration of ...
Rights sold to:

Sweden (Daidalos), Serbia (Akademska Knjiga)

Year of Publication: 2005
Hartmut RosaYear of Publication: 2005
Acceleration is a key term of modernity and »deceleration« a fashionable contemporary term. Both form part of a social development that has had a lasting impact on the last...
Rights sold to:

English world rights (Columbia UP), Spanish world rights (Herder México), Chinese simplex rights (Shanghai People’s Publishing House), Brazilian Portuguese rights (UNESP), Arabic world rights (BookClub Publications), France (La Decouverte), Japan (Fukumura Shuppan), Bulgaria (Critique & Humanism)


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