The Dessau-Wörlitz Garden Realm

Excursion into a Utopia
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The Dessau-Wörlitz Garden Realm / Gartenreich Wörlitz
Excursion into a Utopia
Strolling through fairy-tale gardens
»It is incredibly beautiful here,« Johann Wolfgang von Goethe raved about the park that Leopold III Frederick Franz, Duke of Anhalt-Dessau created near Dessau in the late 18th century. »It is (...) like a fairy tale being recited for you.« The Dessau-Wörlitz Garden Realm provides refuge from the perils of life, an experience that visitors have been making since its creation. But the enlightened prince had more than that in mind: a model of reasonable rule aided by...
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»It is incredibly beautiful here,« Johann Wolfgang von Goethe raved about the park that Leopold III Frederick Franz, Duke of Anhalt-Dessau created near Dessau in the late 18th century. »It is (...) like a fairy tale being recited for you.« The Dessau-Wörlitz Garden Realm provides refuge from the perils of life, an experience that visitors have been making since its creation. But the enlightened prince had more than that in mind: a model of reasonable rule aided by concepts from antiquity and science. The result is a dreamlike, playful, visionary garden, one of the most beautiful in Europe. Kia Vahland invites casual visitors and art lovers on an exciting and informative tour through the history and the present of this UNESCO World Heritage Site.
2022, 85 pages
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Art historian and art critic Dr. Kia Vahland is an expert on the Renaissance and editor for culture and humanities at Süddeutsche Zeitung. She has authored books on Sebastiano del Piombo, Michelangelo, Raphael as well as numerous essays on art history and is an expert on Leonardo da Vinci. Kia Vahland teaches at the Institute for Art History at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and at the German School of Journalism. Her works have received numerous accolades including the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung’s Michael Althen Prize (2016). The Da Vinci Women. The Untold Feminist Power of Leonardo’s Art was nominated for the Leipzig Book Fair Prize 2019.
Art historian and art critic Dr. Kia Vahland is an expert on the Renaissance and editor for culture and humanities at Süddeutsche...


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