The Good and The Dead

Translation SampleSuhrkamp | Insel
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Domestic Rights Sales: German Audiobook (Argon)

The Good and The Dead / Die Guten und die Toten

A tender love story and a special kind of hardcore criminals’ ballet

Political intrigue, shady but also cool characters as well as characters you will love

A story of everyday insanity, realistic and absurd, complex, moving and incredibly gripping

Saad and his daughter Leila are living under the radar in Berlin. Saad earns his living as a security guard at a car park, working the night shift for good reason. This car park also houses the luxury car owned by State Secretary Brasch, who is involved in shady business deals. When Brasch, drunk and high on coke, has a traffic accident and a body is found in his boot – a surprise even to himself – the young detective Nihal Khigarian becomes involved.

Saad had met her...

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Saad and his daughter Leila are living under the radar in Berlin. Saad earns his living as a security guard at a car park, working the night shift for good reason. This car park also houses the luxury car owned by State Secretary Brasch, who is involved in shady business deals. When Brasch, drunk and high on coke, has a traffic accident and a body is found in his boot – a surprise even to himself – the young detective Nihal Khigarian becomes involved.

Saad had met her by chance a few days earlier when she helped him and his daughter Leila in a fight with vile bullies. Leila is drawn to Nihal right away, and Nihal and Saad also suspect that this will be more than just a fleeting acquaintance. Yet Saad must remain invisible at all costs because he knows that merciless people from his former life are after him.

And indeed, the two soon have to face killers, arms dealers, irate Saudis, the drug mafia, a few dead bodies – and then a few more … and with an epic showdown in the weed plantation on the roof of the multi-storey car park, at the end of which they get asked: »Do you do this kind of thing often?«

»For fans of fast-paced thrillers with quick cuts and a great plot, as well as characters that capture one’s heart. For fans of Berlin thrillers. A book that entertains from the first to the last page and can be devoured quickly. What more could a reader want?« Sven Trautwein, Frankfurter Rundschau

»... a book that packs as hard a punch as Inspector Nihal Khigarian, who is aiming for Olympic gold in boxing.« Elmar Krekeler, Welt am Sonntag

»An incredibly fast-paced mix of urban crime novel and political thriller... You won’t know what hit you. ... a suspenseful, visually powerful, atmospherically rich ode to Berlin.« Christa von Bernuth, der Freitag

»An incredible thriller … At the end of every sentence, Kim Koplin is already on the way to new horizons, new sensational events.« Sylvia Staude, Frankfurter Rundschau

»A sensational crime debut … What [Koplin] intends and what he succeeds in executing masterfully is: entertainment. ... Every sentence is poised, shines, hits.« Marcus Müntefering, Spiegel Online

»... a novel that knows what it is doing, especially since some of its characters are not interested in anyone finding out what they are up to.« Peter Körte, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

»Insanely fast, gripping and with a great atmosphere that gets under your skin.« Sven Trautwein, Frankfurter Neue Presse

»A terrifically unapologetic, light Berlin thriller … told in feisty street slang, entertaining, cheeky, tender.« Tobias Gohlis, Deutschlandfunk Kultur

»Fast-paced, rough, hits you like a bullet.« Kulturzeit

»Great sound, snappy, Berlin 24/7. … This novel whips us thorugh its streets like pinball. Someone knows their genre – and their milieu. And language … intelligent … not one superfluous word.« Alf Mayer, CULTurMAG

»A brilliantly written, extremely gripping, tension-filled, contemporary social novel ... an amazing, entertaining read.« Ulrich Noller, WDR Cosmo
»For fans of fast-paced thrillers with quick cuts and a great plot, as well as characters that capture one’s heart. For fans of Berlin thrillers. A book that entertains from the first to the last page and can be devoured quickly. What more could a reader want?« Sven Trautwein, Frankfurter Rundschau

»... a book that packs as hard a punch as Inspector Nihal Khigarian, who is aiming for Olympic gold in boxing.« Elmar Krekeler, Welt am Sonntag...
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2023, 254 pages


The award-winning novels are How to Die, The Good and the Dead, and Fünf Winter.
The award-winning novels are How to Die, The Good and the Dead, and Fünf Winter.


The award-winning novels are How to Die, The Good and the Dead, and Fünf Winter.


Kim Koplin lives and works in Berlin, France and Italy and isn’t really called Kim Koplin but has already written a number of successful books.
Kim Koplin lives and works in Berlin, France and Italy and isn’t really called Kim Koplin but has already written a number of successful books.