Between Two Seas

With watercolour illustrations by Marieke Nelissen
Between Two Seas / Zwischen zwei Meeren
With watercolour illustrations by Marieke Nelissen
A heartwarming story about an unlikely friendship, about a puzzling mystery, and about overcoming the fears left behind by trauma
Theo travels to the place where the North Sea meets the Baltic: to Skagen, the northernmost tip of Denmark. The beauty and the force of the sea have always fascinated him. As a marine biologist, the sea and its inhabitants – which he researched on thrilling diving expeditions – were his life. Until a tragic accident during one of his research trips. Ever since, he has been unable go in the water. On the beach in Skagen, he meets 10-year-old Ben, who is supposed to learn to swim there, but is...
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Theo travels to the place where the North Sea meets the Baltic: to Skagen, the northernmost tip of Denmark. The beauty and the force of the sea have always fascinated him. As a marine biologist, the sea and its inhabitants – which he researched on thrilling diving expeditions – were his life. Until a tragic accident during one of his research trips. Ever since, he has been unable go in the water. On the beach in Skagen, he meets 10-year-old Ben, who is supposed to learn to swim there, but is crippled by a fear of water.

Ben shows Theo a nautilus shell that he found on the beach. The shell poses some puzzling questions: How did the nautilus, which live in the seas of the south, get to the Danish coast? Theo and Ben want to get to the bottom of this mystery, but to do so, they’ll have to overcome their fear of the water…

»Ben began to shiver, the way he always did when he looked out at the water for a long time. Then he remembered what Theo had said. He took the spiral-shaped shell in his hand and placed it against his right ear. The gentle sound of the sea washed through his head. The shivering let up, and Ben sucked a deep breath of the crisp sea breeze into his lungs.«

An inspiring story about an unusual friendship between two people whose paths cross on the Danish coast, and who then work together to overcome their fear of the sea.

2024, 176 pages


Leif Lindholm studied art history in Bochum. Having worked as a tour guide, he has travelled widely around the world, especially to places where he can pursue his passion of scuba diving. Today, he lives in Berlin, where he works as a journalist. During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, he wanted to teach his son to swim, but realised that his son was terrified of the water. They tried to get to the bottom of this fear together, and it was this experience that led to the idea for the book Between Two Seas. Leif Lindholm is a nom de plume.
Leif Lindholm studied art history in Bochum. Having worked as a tour guide, he has travelled widely around the world, especially to places where he...