Half Pigeon Half Peacock

Suhrkamp | Insel

Half Pigeon Half Peacock / Halb Taube Halb Pfau

I am surrendered to the white, as the white is surrendered to me. Here I am exposed to fear; here, fear is exposed.

A self finds itself, on »Sunday morning, half past seven, on the shores with the great crested grebes«. From here, a landscape is surveyed, whose contours only become clear through speaking and walking. Like floes, texts emerge from the whiteness. They expand, their edges overlapping one another, and drift away. »Often, something breaks...
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I am surrendered to the white, as the white is surrendered to me. Here I am exposed to fear; here, fear is exposed.

A self finds itself, on »Sunday morning, half past seven, on the shores with the great crested grebes«. From here, a landscape is surveyed, whose contours only become clear through speaking and walking. Like floes, texts emerge from the whiteness. They expand, their edges overlapping one another, and drift away. »Often, something breaks off.«

The voice that speaks here takes the reader along, with the security of a sleepwalker, through the cartography of an internal world. Leading beyond the borders of the book into a dimension where reading becomes listening, and the overall structure is rearranged on an acoustic level.

Maren Kames’s debut is a text that »is produced through the use of all registers.« In Half Pigeon Half Peacock, she develops a unique language, a score full of humour, highly literary, daring, and crystal clear. First published in 2016 and previously lost to the world, it is now finally available again in a new edition by Suhrkamp.


2024, 160 pages
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Maren Kames was born in 1984 in Überlingen am Bodensee and lives as a freelance author and translator in Berlin. Her books HALB TAUBE HALB PFAU (2016) and LUNA LUNA (2019) received much acclaim and various awards. Both books were made into radio plays, and LUNA LUNA was performed in 2022 at Schauspiel Leipzig. Hare Prose is her first book with Suhrkamp.
Maren Kames was born in 1984 in Überlingen am Bodensee and lives as a freelance author and translator in Berlin. Her books HALB TAUBE HALB PFAU...


Hare Prose
Year of Publication: 2024
Maren KamesYear of Publication: 2024
»If that's all there is, I’m moving out!« someone yells and heads off in their seven-league boots and their travel socks. A hare in the back seat. We travel straight through time, through the ages, and out into pitch-dark outer space. In a hand-drawn plane through the sky and through memories: of two grandmothers, one pale, one dark, one in-tact, one damaged. A grandfather and his furrowed hands....