Law Without Order

The Battle for the Rule of Law
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Law Without Order / Law statt Order
The Battle for the Rule of Law
After a protest by climate activists or a brawl at a public swimming pool, we regularly hear demands for the state to clamp down and “enforce the rule of law”. What this actually means is: enough of the excuses and the romanticism of social workers, it’s time for the police to step in, and for judges to lay down the law – in short, what we know as the doctrine of “law and order”.


What is often forgotten here is that the “rule of law” actually means something entirely different,...
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After a protest by climate activists or a brawl at a public swimming pool, we regularly hear demands for the state to clamp down and “enforce the rule of law”. What this actually means is: enough of the excuses and the romanticism of social workers, it’s time for the police to step in, and for judges to lay down the law – in short, what we know as the doctrine of “law and order”.


What is often forgotten here is that the “rule of law” actually means something entirely different, namely the requirement of the state to adhere to the strictures of the law. Maximilian Pichl analyses the reasons why some political figures strategically deploy the doctrine of law and order, and also looks at the consequences this has. Pichl juxtaposes these efforts with the long history of legal struggles in which lawyers and activists have fought to place limits on the political misuse of the law.
2024, 260 pages
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Maximilian Pichl was born in 1987 and is an academic working in the fields of legal studies and political science. He is a professor of social law and social work at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences. His most recent publication was Untersuchung im Rechtsstaat (2022), which looked at the parliamentary inquiry committees tasked with investigating the murders committed by the neo-Nazi group known as the NSU. He is one of the editors of the yearly report Recht gegen rechts.
Maximilian Pichl was born in 1987 and is an academic working in the fields of legal studies and political science. He is a professor of social law...