Historical Roots of Modern Problems

Lecture at the ETH Zurich 1985
Edited by Michael Hagner and Michael Hampe with the assistance of Hannah Kressig and Anna Morawietz
Suhrkamp | Insel

Historical Roots of Modern Problems / Historische Wurzeln moderner Probleme
Lecture at the ETH Zurich 1985
Edited by Michael Hagner and Michael Hampe with the assistance of Hannah Kressig and Anna Morawietz

»Science is a club like any other.«

In 1985, Paul Feyerabend gave a lecture at ETH Zurich in which he argued that we can understand many problems of the modern world better if we trace them back to their historical roots in the intellectual world of ancient Greece. His audience, a majority of which had a background in science, was not disappointed. In a deliberately anti-professorial performance peppered with brilliant provocations and anecdotal digressions revealing the profound breadth of his knowledge, the enfant terrible...

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In 1985, Paul Feyerabend gave a lecture at ETH Zurich in which he argued that we can understand many problems of the modern world better if we trace them back to their historical roots in the intellectual world of ancient Greece. His audience, a majority of which had a background in science, was not disappointed. In a deliberately anti-professorial performance peppered with brilliant provocations and anecdotal digressions revealing the profound breadth of his knowledge, the enfant terrible of the philosophy of science sharpened his famous critique of occidental rationalism once more.

In particular, he took aim at the monopoly position of scientific-technical reason with its ideas of progress, truth, and objectivity, taking them to task for their complicity in the troubled state of the world. As an alternative, Feyerabend suggested that an epistemological and political pluralism would be better suited to dealing with the »modern problems« of his time: the nuclear threat, the destruction of non-European civilisations, social upheavals, and the looming ecological catastrophe. But what about our world today? This rousing journey through the political landscape of the 1980s shows that plenty of yesterday’s problems are still at the top of the agenda.

2023, 600 pages
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Paul Feyerabend, born in Vienna in 1924, died in Genolier in 1994. He is one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th century, and his name is associated with the slogan of methodological relativism: »Anything goes«.

Paul Feyerabend, born in Vienna in 1924, died in Genolier in 1994. He is one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th century, and his name is...


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English world rights (Chicago UP), Russia (Logos)

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Spanish world rights (Mardulce)

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Rights sold to:

English world rights (Polity), Spanish world rights (Debate), Chinese simplex rights (Shanghai People’s Publishing House), Arabic world rights (National Centre for Translation), France (Seuil), Korea (Ghil Publishing)

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