On Behaviour in Danger

Edited by Raimund Fellinger and Jonathan Landgrebe
Suhrkamp | Insel

On Behaviour in Danger / Über das Verhalten in der Gefahr
Edited by Raimund Fellinger and Jonathan Landgrebe
»Without a spirited literature in the present, the literature of the past also dies.«

The texts by Peter Suhrkamp from the years between 1919 and 1957 gathered here – including essays, articles, reviews, pedagogical and political statements, diary entries on contemporary events or speeches such as the welcome address to a literary evening with Max Frisch, the broadcast address on the occasion of Hermann Hesse’s 70th birthday or reflections on the significance of Marcel Proust – create the multi-faceted portrait of a publisher and retrace the steps that got him...

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The texts by Peter Suhrkamp from the years between 1919 and 1957 gathered here – including essays, articles, reviews, pedagogical and political statements, diary entries on contemporary events or speeches such as the welcome address to a literary evening with Max Frisch, the broadcast address on the occasion of Hermann Hesse’s 70th birthday or reflections on the significance of Marcel Proust – create the multi-faceted portrait of a publisher and retrace the steps that got him there.

How did a farmer’s son from Kirchhatten near Oldenburg, after surviving two world wars, internment in a concentration camp and a phase of professional searching eventually become the founder of a publishing house that is celebrating its seventieth anniversary this year?

2020, 420 pages
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Peter Suhrkamp, born on March 28, 1891 in Kirchhatten (Oldenburg), studied German philology after fighting in WWI and a subsequent stay at a sanatorium in 1918. Afterwards, he worked as a teacher, dramaturg and director, freelance journalist for Berliner Tageblatt and magazine editor. After editing Die neue Rundschau for S. Fischer Verlag in 1932, he became a member of the publishing house's board in 1933 and subsequently sole publisher in 1936. From 1942, he was forced to change the name of the publishing house to Suhrkamp Verlag. He was arrested on April 13, 1944 and accused of treason. He was released from Sachsenhausen concentration camp on February 8, 1945. On October 4, 1945 he was the first publisher in Germany to receive permission from the British military...

Peter Suhrkamp, born on March 28, 1891 in Kirchhatten (Oldenburg), studied German philology after fighting in WWI and a subsequent stay at a...


»So Now Farewell! And Take Good Care«
Year of Publication: 2016
Peter Suhrkamp, Annemarie SeidelYear of Publication: 2016

»Authentic-biographical material« by Peter Suhrkamp was, until now, considered »destroyed«, as his first biographers, Siegfried Unseld and Helene Ritzerfeld, stated. As it turned out, they were mistaken: For the correspondence between Suhrkamp and Annemarie Seidel has survived, 450 letters in total. The correspondence between the publisher and the actress called »Mirl«, whom he had...