The Humming Underneath the Skin

The Humming Underneath the Skin / Das Summen unter der Haut

A queer coming-of-age novel, from an era when coming out was still a distant dream.

A book for all those who were once, or still are, young and in love. The novel of an exciting summer that changes everything and about the curious adventures of growing up.

»Axel has been missing for three days. I subtract the hours that have passed without him here from the eighty hours that I have known him. Twenty-six hours are left. In little more than a day it’ll be like I never knew Axel Peschke.«

Hamburg, 1977. Julle is fourteen. Shortly before the summer break, a new student, Axel, joins his class. Julle falls in love immediately. No one knows that he is gay. Except for his sister and maybe his mother....

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»Axel has been missing for three days. I subtract the hours that have passed without him here from the eighty hours that I have known him. Twenty-six hours are left. In little more than a day it’ll be like I never knew Axel Peschke.«

Hamburg, 1977. Julle is fourteen. Shortly before the summer break, a new student, Axel, joins his class. Julle falls in love immediately. No one knows that he is gay. Except for his sister and maybe his mother. Mothers tend to have a sense for these things, after all. Julle counts the hours that he has known Axel and befriends him. Together, they go to the public pool, feed Axel’s rabbits, and discover a hidden, partially burned-down hut in the forest. Just as they get close to uncovering its secret, Axel suddenly moves away – and Julle has a hunch that after this summer, nothing will be like it was before.

With great imagination, empathy, and wit, Stephan Lohse tells the story of two boys and the things in life that mean everything. The Humming Underneath the Skin is a novel about love and friendship, about growing up in the seventies – a past as it perhaps never was, but should have been.

»Stephan Lohse’s little novel The Humming Underneath the Skin is perfect in its own way. It manages to do exactly what it wants to. It is not some mighty, demanding masterpiece that explodes the language, rather, it tells a simple story in a simple way. But in this, it is indeed masterful. You get a sense of the impressive skill of this author when you consider all that he had to leave out to achieve his goal, how beautifully he narrates and writes through his precision and restraint.« Gustav Seibt, Süddeutsche Zeitung

»[Lohse] impresses [readers] with a sense for language that captures the vibrations that pass between people, that connects and separates the days in their moods.« Cornelia Geissler, Berliner Zeitung

»Stephan Lohse’s third novel is his best yet.« Thomas Andre, Hamburger Abendblatt

»A book for the summer about that first great love from which one never fully recovers.« Lenore Lötsch, NDR Kultur

»This is a calm book that is told with great empathy and authenticity. Truly beautiful.« WDR 2
»Stephan Lohse’s little novel The Humming Underneath the Skin is perfect in its own way. It manages to do exactly what it wants to. It is not some mighty, demanding masterpiece that explodes the language, rather, it tells a simple story in a simple way. But in this, it is indeed masterful. You get a sense of the impressive skill of this author when you consider all that he had to leave out to achieve his goal, how beautifully he narrates and writes through his precision and...
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2023, 176 pages


Stephan Lohse, born in Hamburg in 1964, studied drama at the Max Reinhardt Seminar in Vienna and was employed at the Thalia Theater in Hamburg, the Schaubühne in Berlin and at the Schauspielhaus in Vienna. His novel Ein fauler Gott (2017) was on the SWR Bestseller List and nominated for the aspekte Prize for Literature. He lives in Berlin.

Stephan Lohse, born in Hamburg in 1964, studied drama at the Max Reinhardt Seminar in Vienna and was employed at the Thalia Theater in Hamburg,...


Johann’s Brother
Year of Publication: 2020
Stephan LohseYear of Publication: 2020

Paul is arrested by police in a village in Northern Germany. He has beheaded seventeen chickens. Because he refuses to talk about the incident, he is taken to a psychiatric hospital, from where his younger brother Johann is supposed to pick him up – the two men haven’t seen each other in over twenty years. When Paul eventually asks his brother to accompany him on a trip, Johann...

A Lazy God
Year of Publication: 2017
Stephan LohseYear of Publication: 2017

Autumn, 1972. 8-year-old Jonas dies. His mother Ruth and his brother Benjamin try to carry on, each in their own way. Ruth decides to investigate Jonas’s death. She questions the lifeguard and his apprentice in the swimming pool where he died; in the hospital, she has them explain his death to her. She reads books, searching for a hidden meaning in all of this, and feeds an abandoned...


Laura de Weck talks to author Stephan Lohse, whose latest novel The Humming Underneath the Skin will be published on July 17.