The Little Wood Thieves and the Mystery of the Juggernaut

Illustrated by Nick-Martin Sternitzke
Suhrkamp | Insel

The Little Wood Thieves and the Mystery of the Juggernaut / Die kleinen Holzdiebe und das Rätsel des Juggernaut
Illustrated by Nick-Martin Sternitzke
A story about banding together to change the status quo
Siblings Karl and Rosa lead a simple life on the island of Feudalia. They help their parents on the farm and play games in the forest while collecting firewood to keep their home warm. One morning though, when they arrive in the forest, there is a big sign that reads: “No wood collecting. Wood thieves will be prosecuted!” And this new ban is only the beginning. It is quickly followed by a series of radical changes that turn their lives upside down.

Soon enough, the family has been...
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Siblings Karl and Rosa lead a simple life on the island of Feudalia. They help their parents on the farm and play games in the forest while collecting firewood to keep their home warm. One morning though, when they arrive in the forest, there is a big sign that reads: “No wood collecting. Wood thieves will be prosecuted!” And this new ban is only the beginning. It is quickly followed by a series of radical changes that turn their lives upside down.

Soon enough, the family has been forced off their land. Along with most of the other inhabitants of the island, their parents now have to move to the city to work in the factories that have been built by the rich rulers of the nearby island of Capitalia. While their mum and dad have to slave away more than ever before, they hardly have enough money to pay the rent and put food on the table. The people of Feudalia had been promised that there would be plenty of money for everyone, but the reality is very different. But do things have to be this way?

Why do the workers get none of the wealth they are producing? Why is the money so unfairly distributed? On their mission for answers, Karl and Rosa are confronted by a mystery – until they’re struck by a bright idea. A rebellious story about banding together to change the status quo.
2024, 268 pages
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Ole Nymoen studied sociology and economics in Jena and works as a freelance journalist. In their podcast »Wohlstand für Alle«, he and Wolfgang M. Schmitt talk about money, the history of economic ideas, and political economy.

Ole Nymoen studied sociology and economics in Jena and works as a freelance journalist. In their podcast »Wohlstand für Alle«, he and Wolfgang M....

Wolfgang M. Schmitt is a YouTuber, podcaster and a critic. He has been running the critically minded YouTube channel »Die Filmanalyse« since 2011. Together with Ole Nymoen, he wrote the bestseller Influencers: The Ideology of Advertising Bodies (2021).

Wolfgang M. Schmitt is a YouTuber, podcaster and a critic. He has been running the critically minded YouTube channel »Die Filmanalyse« since 2011....


Year of Publication: 2021
Ole Nymoen, Wolfgang M. SchmittYear of Publication: 2021

People over thirty often don’t even know their names, but to younger generations they are superstars: influencers. Young adults and even children film themselves doing makeup, travelling or...

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