Technologies of the Soul

On the Production of Truth in Contemporary Russian Culture
Technologies of the Soul / Technologien der Seele
On the Production of Truth in Contemporary Russian Culture
Russia’s policy against internal and external »enemies« keeps the world on edge. »We need movies, books, exhibitions, video games, patriotic internet, radio, TV. We have to initiate a counterstrike in this war over souls« – this was posted on a website close to the Kremlin in January 2015.

Political strategists and media representatives, artists and writers are working on giving back Russia its greatness, and the citizens their...
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Russia’s policy against internal and external »enemies« keeps the world on edge. »We need movies, books, exhibitions, video games, patriotic internet, radio, TV. We have to initiate a counterstrike in this war over souls« – this was posted on a website close to the Kremlin in January 2015.

Political strategists and media representatives, artists and writers are working on giving back Russia its greatness, and the citizens their national pride. Which mechanisms do they use? Where does resistance against their manipulations grow? This book offers an inside view into a society that becomes more and more inscrutable to their neighbours.

»The new book by Swiss Slavist Ulrich Schmid has the potential to become a standard reference work on the cultural-political development in Russia under Putin.« Kerstin Holm, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

»The new book by Swiss Slavist Ulrich Schmid has the potential to become a standard reference work on the cultural-political development in Russia under Putin.« Kerstin Holm, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

2015, 386 pages
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Ulrich Schmid, born in 1965, teaches Russian Culture and History in St. Gallen and works for the Neue Zürcher Zeitung. In 2010, he published a short biography entitled Leo Tolstoy.

Ulrich Schmid, born in 1965, teaches Russian Culture and History in St. Gallen and works for the Neue Zürcher Zeitung. In 2010, he...