New crime thriller by Johannes Groschupf awarded German Crime Fiction Prize

After Berlin Preppers, Groschupf’s crime novel Berlin Heat has also been awarded the German Crime Fiction Prize.
This rough and turbulent Berlin novel focuses on underdog Tom Lohoff, a gambler facing a mountain of debt, who, to top it all off, gets caught up in a murderous intrigue involving the false flag kidnapping of a right-wing politician. Despite all the challenges he faces, Tom Lohoff tries to free himself from his predicaments – and unexpectedly transforms into a veritable hero.

Johannes Groschupf, born in 1963, worked as an independent travel journalist for many years. In 1994, he survived a helicopter crash in the Sahara. Based on this experience, 1998 saw the creation of the award-winning radio feature Der Absturz (»The Crash«). After that, he focused on literary works, first and foremost in the field of YA literature, before turning to suspense writing. He was awarded the German Crime Fiction Prize for all three of his thrillers Berlin Preppers, Berlin Heat and Hyaenas.

Johannes Groschupf, born in 1963, worked as an independent travel journalist for many years. In 1994, he survived a helicopter crash in the...


Berlin Heat

Berlin Preppers