Inquiries and Contacts

Rechte & Rights – News & Rights List
Rechte & Rights – Realized Film Projects
Rechte & Rights – Inquiries & Contacts (blau)

Suhrkamp and Film adaptations

Suhrkamp/Insel represents a large number of film rights to titles in its programs. Since the foundation of the publishing house in 1950, numerous titles have been adapted for film, including modern classics (by Bertolt Brecht, Max Frisch, Hermann Hesse and others) as well as contemporary works (as Lily Brett, Josef Bierbichler, Ralf Rothmann and others).

Film rights inquiries

Suhrkamp Verlag generally grants film rights after consultation with the authors/heirs. In case of specific rights requests, please use the Inquire film rights button on the respective page of the film rights list. Questions about the general availability of rights and requests for review copies will be answered by Frank Kroll (see Contacts below). For further discussions about options and filming rights, a concept paper of approx. 2 pages is helpful, describing the planned project (content, budget, creative team, planned distribution etc.).
Nora Mercurio
Rights Director / Leitung Rechte & Lizenzen
Foreign Rights: Dutch, English, Hebrew, Italian
Frank Kroll
Lizenzen – Film, TV und Hörspiel / licences – film, TV adaptations and radio plays
+49 160 746 56 46