Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – April 2024, issue 1

Beitrag zu Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – April 2024, issue 1
First row (from left to right):
Hermann Hesse, Über das Glück – Brazilian edition published by Record, translated by Lya Luft
Hermann Hesse, Klingsors letzter Sommer – Brazilian edition published by Record, translated by Pinheiro de Lemos
Eva Illouz, The Emotional Life of Populism – Argentinian edition published by Katz, translated by Alejandro Katz
Mahler, Komplett Kafka – French edition published by L’Association, translated by Aurélie Marquer
Philipp Staab, Digitaler Kapitalismus – English edition published by Manchester UP, translated by Meredith Dale
Akın Emanuel Şipal, Mutter Vater Land – French edition published by Presses universitaires du Midi, translated by Renaud Guinaudeau

Second row (from left to right):
Ariane Koch, Die Aufdrängung – French edition published by Laffont, translated by Benjamin Pécoud
Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Überlebenskünstler – Spanish edition published by Altamarea, translated by Carlos M. Pina
Ernst Bloch, Geist der Utopie – Swedish edition published by h:ström, translated by Christer Perssen
Christoph Hein, Verwirrnis – French edition published by Métailié, translated by Nicole Bary
Serhij Zhadan, Небо над Харковом – Polish edition published by Czarne, translated by Michał Petryk
Andreas Reckwitz, Das Ende der Illusionen – Greek edition published by Alexandria, translated by Evangelía Tómpori

Third row (from left to right):
Serhij Zhadan, Депеш Мод – Greek edition published by Dioptra, translated by Dimítris Triantafyllídis
Alexander Kluge, Russlandcontainer – English edition published by Seagull, translated by Alexander Booth
Andreas Reckwitz & Hartmut Rosa, Spätmoderne in der Krise – Chinese edition published by Shanghai People’s Publishing House
Thomas Bernhard, Frost – Italian edition published by Adelphi, translated by Magda Olivetti
Simone Buchholz, River Clyde – Danish edition published by DreamLitt, translated by Jacob Jonia
Simone Buchholz, Hotel Cartagena – Danish edition published by DreamLitt, translated by Jacob Jonia
Felix Stalder, Kultur der Digitalität – Chinese edition published by China Academy of Art Press


Completely Kafka

The Emotional Life of Populism

Sky Above Kharkiv

Late Modernity in Crisis

Mother Father Country


River Clyde

Russia Container

Digital Capitalism

The End of Illusions

Hotel Cartagena


Survival Artists

The Digital Condition

Depeche Mode

The Spirit of Utopia