Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – December 2014

Beitrag zu Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – December 2014

We are delighted to present to you our latest arrivals: 

First row (from left to right):

Paul Celan / Nelly Sachs: Briefwechsel: Hebrew edition published by Keshev, translated by Dina von Schwarze
Clemens J. Setz, Die Liebe zur Zeit des Mahlstädter Kindes: Danish edition published by Vandkunsten, translated by Jacob Jonia
Boris Buden, Zone des Übergangs. Vom Ende des Postkummunismus: Slovenian edition published Krtina, translated by Samo Krušič

Second row (from left to right):

Carl Seelig, Wanderungen mit Robert Walser: Czech edition published by Opus, translated by Radovan Charvát
Thomas Bernhard, Ungenach: Turkish edition published by Yapi Kredi, translated by Fatih Özgüven
Einar Schleef, Die Bande: French edition published by Le Ver à Soie, translated by Marie-Luce Bonfanti & Crista Mittelsteiner
Josef Winkler, Natura morta: Croatian edition published by Leykam, translated by Andy Jelčić


Love in the Times of the Mahlstädter Child

Natura morta


Walks With Walser