Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – February 2023, issue 1

Beitrag zu Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – February 2023, issue 1
We are delighted to present to you our latest arrivals:

First row (from left to right):

Katja Petrowskaja, Vielleicht Esther: Italian Paperback edition published by Adelphi, translated by Ada Vigliani

Judith Schalansky, Verzeichnis einiger Verluste: Polish edition published by Ha!Art, translated by Kamil Idzikowski

Robert Menasse, Die Hauptstadt: Armenian edition published by Antares, translated by Karlen Martinyan

Andreas Reckwitz, Die Gesellschaft der Singularitäten: Korean edition published by Saemulgyul

Volker Braun, Große Fuge: UK edition published by Smokestack Books, translated by Karen Leeder & David Constantine

Simone Buchholz, Blaue Nacht: French edition published by L’Atalante, translated by Claudine Layre

Peter Handke, Versuch über die Jukebox: Greek edition published by Hestia, translated by Moskovou Spyros

Second row (from left to right):

Thomas Bernhard, Claus Peymann kauft sich eine Hose und geht mit mir essen: Swedish edition published by STB, translated by Magnus Lindmann

Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Eine Handvoll Anekdoten: Serbian edition published by Laguna, translated by Drinka Gojković

Robert Menasse, Don Juan de La Mancha oder Die Erziehung der Lust: Serbian edition published by Karpos, translated by Mirjana Avramović

Friederike Mayröcker, Reise durch die Nacht: French edition published by Atelier de l’Agneau, translated by Anne Kubler

Siegfried Kracauer, Theorie des Films: Italian edition published by Cue Press, translated by Paolo Gobetti & Lucrezia Musu

Simone Buchholz, Beton Rouge: French edition published by L’Atalante, translated by Claudine Layre

Simone Buchholz, Mexikoring: French edition published by L’Atalante, translated by Claudine Layre


Great Fugue

An Inventory of Losses

A Handful of Anecdotes

Mexico Street

The Society of Singularities

The Capital

Beton Rouge

Blue Night

Maybe Esther

Don Juan de La Mancha or the Education of Lust

Essay on the Jukebox