Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – March 2024, issue 1

Beitrag zu Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – March 2024, issue 1
First row (from left to right):
Nana Ekvtimishvili, მსხლების მინდორი – Indonesian edition published by Haru/Spring, translated by Dyah Agustine
Hermann Hesse, edited by Volker Michels, Eigensinn macht Spaß – Korean edition published by Daniel’s Stone
Brigitte Studer, Reisende der Weltrevolution – UK English edition published by Verso, translated by Dafydd Rees Roberts
Bodo Mrozek, Jugend – Pop – Kultur (Selection) – French edition published by EMSH, translated by Sofiane Boussahel
Jürgen Habermas, Ach, Europa (Selection) – Greek edition published by Printa Roes, translated by Dimitris Weber
Priya Basil, In We and Now – Romanian edition published by Prestige, translated by Christian Tuculescu

Second row (from left to right):
Hans Joas, Der Gottesbegriff nach Auschwitz – Italian edition published by Studio Editoriale
Peter Sloterdijk, Die Reue des Prometheus – Italian edition published by Marsilio, translated by Marina Pugliano & Giovanna Targia
Peter Handke, Poetry – Greek edition published by Vakxikon, translated by Ionna Diamantoupolou
Hans Robert Jauß, Ästhetische Erfahrung und literarische Hermeneutik – Italian edition published by Ledizioni, translated by Stefano Ballerio
Maria Stepanova, Памяти памяти – Korean edition published by Bokbok Seoga, translated by Ja Park Eun-Jeong
Hans Blumenberg, Die nackte Wahrheit – Korean edition published by Ghil
Peter Sloterdijk, Luftbeben – Ukrainian edition published by IST Publishing, translated by Oleksandra Hryhorenko


Prometheus’s Remorse

In Us and Now

Travellers of the World Revolution

The Naked Truth

In Memory of Memory

Youth, Rock and Riots

The Pear Field

Ach, Europa

Terror from the Air

The Concept of God After Auschwitz