Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – May 2015, Issue 2

Beitrag zu Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – May 2015, Issue 2

We are delighted to present to you our latest arrivals:

First row (from left to right):

Thomas Kling, Manhattan Mundraum: French edition published by Editions Unes, translated by Aurélien Galateau
Ludwig Hohl, Bergfahrt: English edition published by Black Square, translated by Donna Stonecipher
Christa Wolf, Nachruf auf Lebende: Italian edition published by Edizioni e/o, translated by Anita Raja
Michael Krüger, Umstellung der Zeit: Italian edition published by Mondadori, translated by Anna Maria Carpi
Eva Illouz, Why Love Hurts: Serbian edition published by Psihopolis Institut, translated by Milan Ðurišić

Second row (from left to right):

Bertolt Brecht, Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder & Die Dreigroschenoper (in one volume): Macedonian edition published by Magor
Peter Handke, Versuch über den Pilznarren: Italian edition published by Ugo Guanda, translated by Alessandra Iadicicco
Max Frisch, Tagebuch 1946-1949 & Tagebuch 1966-1971 (in one volume): Polish edition published by W.A.B., translated by Jakub Ekier & Krzysztof Jachimczak
Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Herrn Zetts Beobachtungen: Italian edition published by Einaudi, translated by Daniela Idra
Hans Blumenberg, Paradigmen zu einer Metaphorologie: Slovak edition published by Kalligram, translated by Mária Mičaninová

Third row (from left to right):

Ulrich Plenzdorf, Die neuen Leiden des jungen W.: English edition published by Pushkin Press, translated by Romy Fursland
Galsan Tschinag, Der blaue Himmel: French edition published by Métailié, translated by Dominique Petit
Gershom Scholem, Martin Bubers Auffassung des Judentums: Italian edition published by Giuntina, translated by Francesco Ferrari
Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Der Untergang der Titanic: Estonian edition published by Eesti Keele, translated by Maarja Kangro
Alice Miller, Das Drama des begabten Kindes: Czech edition published by Triton, translated by Alena Bláhová


Obituary for the Living

Essay on the Mushroom Hunter

Mr Zed's Reflections

Seasonal Time Change

Why Love Hurts

The Blue Sky

Drama of the Gifted Child

The Sinking of the Titanic


The New Sorrows of Young W.

Judaica III

Sketchbook, 1966–1971

Judaica II

Sketchbook, 1946–1949