Eva Illouz Wins Aby Warburg Prize 2024

Beitrag zu Eva Illouz Wins Aby Warburg Prize 2024
Suhrkamp author Eva Ilouz has been awarded the Aby Warburg Prize for 2024.

The Aby Warburg Prize is awarded every four years by the city of Frankfurt in recognition of outstanding achievements in the field of the humanities and social sciences. Previous winners include Georges Didi-Huberman, Claude Lévi-Strauss and Sigrid Weigel. In their remarks on this year’s award, the jury commended Illouz’s work as a sociologist of the emotions. In this sense, said the judges, she can be positioned firmly in the tradition of Aby Warburg, for whom the role of feelings in visual cultures was a central topic of invesitgation. Illouz is a keen observer of the ways in which emotions guide political processes and social interactions, particularly with respect to populist politics. The jury also commended Illouz’s social engagement, particularly her work fighting antisemitism in contemporary society.

The Aby Warburg Prize is endowed with €25,000 and will be awarded on 14 October 2024 at a ceremony at the Hamburg town hall.

For more information on any of Eva Illouz’s books, in particular her upcoming release Explosive Modernity, contact the foreign rights manager for your region.

Eva Illouz, born in Morocco in 1961, is Directrice d’Etudes at the Centre européen de sociologie et de science politique, CESSP-EHESS in Paris. She has received numerous awards for her work, including the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s Annaliese Meier International Award for Excellence in Research and the E.M.E.T Award for Social Sciences, the highest scientific distinction in Israel. In 2022, Academic Influence listed her among the Influential Women in Sociology From the Last 10 Years (#8).
Eva Illouz, born in Morocco in 1961, is Directrice d’Etudes at the Centre européen de sociologie et de science politique, CESSP-EHESS in...


Explosive Modernity

The Emotional Life of Populism

What is Sexual Capital?

The End of Love

Why Love Hurts

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