Sasha Marianna Salzmann receives Preis der Literaturhäuser 2022


We are delighted for our author Sasha Marianna Salzmann, who receives this year’s Preis der Literaturhäuser.

The jury’s statement reads as follows:

»In their texts, bubbling over with narrative joy, Salzmann shows skill for spanning historical arcs with a light hand, for making the ›centrifugal forces of history‹ tangible to the senses and, as in Glorious People, for interweaving the decline of the Soviet empire with the novel characters’ attempts to lead their own self-determined lives. In addition, Salzmann knows how to negotiate virulent themes such as ›identity‹ and ›gender identity‹ in such a wealth of perspectives and complexity that there is never any cause to suspect that the texts’ primary aim is to accompany a discourse. Salzmann brilliantly conveys the unmistakable tone of their narratives on stage and in conversation formulates opinions with great charisma and eloquence in such a way that the audience is immediately captivated. In essays and current feuilleton debates, Salzmann also succeeds in presenting her insights lucidly and never stuck in ideology.«

The prize is awarded annually by the Literaturhäuser that are members of It includes a reading tour and is endowed with a prize money of 20,000 Euros. The award ceremony will take place on 17 March in Leipzig.

Sasha Salzmann was born in Volgograd in 1985 and grew up in Moscow. In 1995, the family emigrated to Germany. In 2017, Salzmann published the novel Außer sich, which has been translated into 15 languages and received numerous prizes and accolades. Their latest novel, Im Menschen muss alles herrlich sein, was longlisted for the German Book Prize 2021. In 2022, Salzmann received the prestigious Hermann-Hesse-Literaturpreis.

Sasha Salzmann was born in Volgograd in 1985 and grew up in Moscow. In 1995, the family emigrated to Germany. In 2017, Salzmann published the...


Glorious People

Beside Myself