Stuttgarter Krimipreis 2023 for Sybille Ruge

Beitrag zu Stuttgarter Krimipreis 2023 for Sybille Ruge

For her crime debut Davenport 160x90, Sybille Ruge receives one of the Stuttgarter Krimipreise (Stuttgart Crime Fiction Prizes) 2023. She is awarded the Wittwer Thalia Prize for Best Crime Debut, endowed with 1,500 Euro.

The prizes are awarded every year in four categories at the Stuttgarter Kriminächte (Stuttgart Crime Nights) festival held in March. The 13 members of the jury choose the winners from all crime fiction publications of the past year; the categories of the Stuttgarter Krimipreise are: Best Crime Novel, Best Economic Crime Novel, Best Political Crime Novel and Best Crime Debut.

For more information, please visit the author's Foreign Rights Website or contact the respective Rights Manager.

Sybille Ruge used to be an actress and is now a poet, costume designer and creates fabrics for the international textile market. Born in the GDR, she works in Frankfurt and lives in Switzerland. She loves space travel, sociology and the writings of Heiner Müller. Her first novel, Davenport 160 x 90, was awarded third place in the category »National Crime Literature« of the German Crime Fiction Prize in 2022.
Sybille Ruge used to be an actress and is now a poet, costume designer and creates fabrics for the international textile market. Born in the GDR, she...


Davenport 160 x 90