World Refugee Day on June 20, 2023


Since 2001, June 20 has been celebrated as World Refugee Day.

Even though it has been many years now that a day goes by in Germany without media coverage on the topics of refugees, migration and persecution, June 20 is intended to put special emphasis on international solidarity and humanitarianism and each year, the world celebrates the strength and courage of people who have been forced to flee their home country to escape conflict or persecution. The 2023 theme of World Refugee Day is »hope away from home«.

Reportages, essays and reports tell the story of the people behind the numbers and the headlines and make it possible to form a differentiated picture on the abiding theme in our societies:
Hinter Mauern (Volker M. Heins, Frank Wolff)
Die Durchrohung der Gesellschaft (Wilhelm Heitmeyer),
Aus dem Nebel des Krieges (eds. Katharina Raabe, Kateryna Mishchenko)
Bruchzone (Wolfgang Bauer),
Globale Bewegungsfreiheit (Andreas Cassee), to name but a few.

But there are literary texts, too, that deal with the search for freedom, political obstacles and the question of societal responsibility in their own, very different ways:
Die Große Wanderung (Hans Magnus Enzensberger),
Schutzzone (Nora Bossong),
Kruso (Lutz Seiler),
Nachruf auf Lebende (Christa Wolf),
August (Christa Wolf),
Der Verlorene (Hans-Ulrich Treichel), to name but a few.


Behind Walls

The Pervasive Brutalisation of Society

From the Fog of War

A Matter of Honour

Humaneness in Times of Fear

Rules of Engagement

Fracture Zones

The Outsiders

Global Mobility


Crossing the Sea


Obituary for the Living


The Great Migration