Andreas Pflüger speaks about his new book How to Die

»First comes dying, then comes death – but sometimes it’s the other way around.«

Andreas Pflüger takes a stroll across the Glienicker Bridge in Berlin, the »Bridge of Spies«, to set the scene for his latest book, How to Die. Set at the height of the Cold War, Pflüger's thriller pits Nina Winter – a pen-pushing analyst at the German Secret Service – against the might of the KGB. To get back from Moscow alive, she'll have to become a woman who dances with death. 

Andreas Pflüger, born in 1957, is one of Germany’s most renowned and sought-after scriptwriters.  His literary works include plays, radio dramas, and award-winning , bestselling novels.

Andreas Pflüger, born in 1957, is one of Germany’s most renowned and sought-after scriptwriters.  His literary works include plays,...


How to Die

Ritchie Girl


A Shadow Falls

Operation Rubicon

In the Dark