The Heroine of Auschwitz

The Life and Resistance of Mala Zimetbaum
With illustrations
Translation SampleSuhrkamp | Insel
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The Heroine of Auschwitz / Die Heldin von Auschwitz
The Life and Resistance of Mala Zimetbaum
With illustrations

The first comprehensive biography of the Jewish resistance fighter Mala Zimetbaum – accompanied by hitherto undiscovered documents – by best-selling author Barbara Beuys

The first comprehensive description of the occupation of Belgium by the German military administration and the deportation of 25,272 Jewish people to Auschwitz – which only 1,224 of them survived

»She did as much good as she could, she risked everything for everyone and in her death she humiliated her killers.« Louise Alcan (1910-1987), survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau

The camp commander announces the death sentence. At that very moment, the prisoner Mala Zimetbaum cuts her wrists with a razor blade. An SS man grabs her by the arm. Mala tears herself free, punches him in the face and shouts, »Murderers, soon you will have to pay.« And to the thousands of Jewish women forced to witness Mala’s execution in the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp: »Don’t be afraid, the end is near ... don’t give up, never forget.« The date is...

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The camp commander announces the death sentence. At that very moment, the prisoner Mala Zimetbaum cuts her wrists with a razor blade. An SS man grabs her by the arm. Mala tears herself free, punches him in the face and shouts, »Murderers, soon you will have to pay.« And to the thousands of Jewish women forced to witness Mala’s execution in the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp: »Don’t be afraid, the end is near ... don’t give up, never forget.« The date is September 15, 1944.

Mala Zimetbaum was born to a Jewish-Polish family in Brzesko, east of Krakow, in 1918. After living in Mainz before 1918, the parents and their four children move to Antwerp, Belgium, in 1928. Antwerp is a prosperous city, where Mala works in a boutique. In July 1942, Mala is arrested in a raid; in September that same year, she deported to the women’s camp Auschwitz-Birkenau in September. As an errand girl and interpreter, she gets to know all the operations of large-scale murder. Clever and willing to take risks, she uses her information and successfully puts up resistance: she saves female prisoners from being selected for the gas chambers, ensured that the sick are assigned to easier tasks, establishes contacts between resistance groups. Then she falls in love with the Polish prisoner Edward Galinski. They manage to escape from the camp, but they are captured once again after thirteen days.

2023, 333 pages


Barbara Beuys, born in 1943, has worked as an editor at German newspapers and magazines such as Stern, Merian and DIE ZEIT after earning a PhD in history. Today Barbara Beuys lives in Cologne where she works as a freelance author. She has written successful and widely received biographies on Annette von Droste-Hülshoff, Hildegard von Bingen, Li Qingzhao, Paula Modersohn-Becker, Sophie Scholl, Helene Schjerfbeck and Maria Sibylla Merian, among others.

Barbara Beuys, born in 1943, has worked as an editor at German newspapers and magazines such as Stern, Merian and DIE...


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Japan (Misuzu)


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