Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – May 2024, issue 2

Beitrag zu Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – May 2024, issue 2
First row (from left to right):
Kerstin Preiwuß, Rede – Serbian edition published by Kontrast, translated by Verica Tričković
Robert Walser, Geschwister Tanner – Polish edition published by PIW, translated by Małgorzata Łukasiewicz
Barbara Beuys, Die Heldin von Auschwitz. Leben und Widerstand der Mala Zimetbaum – Belgian edition published by Manteau, translated by Joost Zwart
Peter Sloterdijk, Wer noch kein Grau gedacht hat – Spanish edition published by Siruela, translated by Isidoro Reguera
Mahler, Komplett Kafka – Italian edition published by Clichy, translated by Matteo Galli & Franziska Peltenburg-Brechneff
Nana Ekvtimishvili, მსხლების მინდორი – Bosnian edition published by Buybook, translated by Lejla Džanko

Second row (from left to right):
Katja Petrowskaja, Das Foto schaute mich an – Italian edition published by Adelphi, translated by Ada Vigliani
Ulrich Bröckling, Postheroische Helden – Chinese edition published by Peking UP
Thomas Bernhard, Alte Meister – Portuguese edition published by Sistema Solar, translated by José A. Palma Caetano
Serhij Zhadan, Ворошиловград – Polish Graphic Novel edition published by Artur Wabik
Serhij Zhadan, Інтернат – Macedonian edition published by Matica, translated by


The Heroine of Auschwitz

Completely Kafka

The Photograph Looked Back at Me

If You Have Never Thought Grey

Postheroic Heroes

The Orphanage

The Pear Field


Old Masters

The Tanners