The Hour Between Woman and Guitar

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France (Jacqueline Chambon), Italy (La Nave di Teseo), Bulgaria (Paradox)

The Hour Between Woman and Guitar / Die Stunde zwischen Frau und Gitarre

Nominated for the Longlist of the German Book Prize 2015

Wilhelm-Raabe-Preis 2015

»As evil as Nabokov, as virtuosic as David Foster Wallace.« Welt am Sonntag

»One of the highest hopes of German literature.« Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung  

In a residential home for people with physical and mental disabilities, a young woman – Natalie Reinegger – is employed as a caregiver to Alexander Dorm. The man is confined to a wheelchair, has an unpredictable temper and is regarded as »difficult«. Nevertheless, he has a visitor every week. That visitor, of all people, is Christoph Hollberg – the man whose life Dorm allegedly ruined years ago when he stalked him so relentlessly that he drove Hollberg’s wife...
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In a residential home for people with physical and mental disabilities, a young woman – Natalie Reinegger – is employed as a caregiver to Alexander Dorm. The man is confined to a wheelchair, has an unpredictable temper and is regarded as »difficult«. Nevertheless, he has a visitor every week. That visitor, of all people, is Christoph Hollberg – the man whose life Dorm allegedly ruined years ago when he stalked him so relentlessly that he drove Hollberg’s wife to suicide.

The »arrangement« was based on mutual benefit, Natalie is being assured, and they liked one another very much. But soon the blatant aversion that Hollberg shows towards his supposed friend unsettles Natalie. She tries to uncover the enigmatic visitor’s secret and to understand the motives for his actions. She quickly realises that her new environment is shaped by nearly inscrutable relationships: the way the other carers behave among themselves is unfathomable, opaque are their relationships with the patients. Natalie is slowly drawn into a subtle, double-edged power play, the rules of which she only begins to understand gradually.

The novel spans over 1.000 pages – a book like »a lively micropolis«, as the author describes it – and is filled with peculiar niches and asides, full of outrageous and shocking moments, but also full of tenderness and moving scenes.

The Hour Between Woman and Guitar is a rollercoaster ride into the world of Clemens J. Setz. He reveals its inner order, its secrets and principles: power and the lack thereof, the search for meaning and loss of orientation, submission and love in all forms and shapes: nurturing, respectful, obsessed love, love as delusion and as a tool of manipulation. And of revenge. So subtle and painful that the question of who is the victim and who the perpetrator leads into a nameless abyss.

»In Clemens J. Setz’s works, all roads lead into the eerie vale in which things look like their opposite.« Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung

»one thousand pages of poetic terror« Süddeutsche Zeitung

»[an] ingenious novel […] [that] has the potential to become a cult novel. […] Despite its darkness, it will fascinate all of us, because it’s both freaky and extremely contemporary.« Die Zeit

»the most provocative, most intelligent, most linguistically powerful and the most unsettling novel of the year.« Die Welt

»This book is a fascinating imposition« wochenende

»a synaesthetic brain massage that last for a thousand pages. […] Emotional dissection from Mach to Musil, form-fragmentation from Bahr to Bernhard.« Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

»The greatest manipulator [in this novel] is, of course, Clemens J. Setz himself who presents his readers with insights into the cabinets of wonder and horror and leads them into the raptures of reading until they don’t know what hit them.« Tagesanzeiger.CH

»The Hour Between Woman and Guitar by Clemens J. Setz is a cunning attack on the mental integrity of the reader. […] [It] is a philosophical, psychological thriller that leaves the reader with the uncomfortable feeling of being followed by something. By something? It’s the novel itself that stalks us.« Literarische Welt

»Clemens J. Setz’s novel picks you up and lets you float through the 1.000 pages so easily [that it seems] as if you suddenly found yourself in a world without friction, without aerodynamic resistance or gravity.« Literaturspiegel

»[a novel that] resonates for much longer than all guitar strings in this world [combined]. […] probably the strangest ménage-à-trois in literary history. […] Certainly the craziest novel of the year […] We don’t know what Clemens Setz is doing to us, but we can’t but follow him.« Stuttgarter Zeitung

»What a talent! [The Hour Between Woman and Guitar is] addictive.« Augsburger Allgemeine

»a novel like a delirium, escalating and highly concentrated« WOZ Die Wochenzeitung, CH

»The author is able to tell his story in a masterfully casual and effortless way, without pathos and never psychologizing, let alone moralising. Having fun with this novel doesn’t have to stop after the last of the 1021 pages. When browsing the book backwards, you can rummage around in the treasure chest of the author’s fantastic ideas. Or just in [his] beautiful sentences«

»What do you call a project like this in which there is no singularity that holds the world together in its core, but where everything contributes to preventing isolation? Bold? Groundbreaking? Megalomaniacal? Pointless? Setz doesn’t care.«

»a psychological profile of our present« Heilbronner Stimme

»nobody is as capable as Clemens J. Setz in detecting the freak within us all in such an intelligent and multifaceted way.« Bücher Magazin

»While reading [the book], you feel transported to a different physical state. It’s not always pleasant. But it’s an extraordinary reading experience. Simply staggering.« WDR3

»The bothersome tension of feeling like you can’t extract yourself from this irritating world prevails. […] ›Every person is an abyss; one gets dizzy when looking down,‹ claims Büchner’s Woyzeck. Setz delivers unsettling evidence for that.« Oberösterreichische Nachrichten

»Setz‘s writing and narration, the exposed inner worlds and the conflicts portrayed and solved within the plot, [as well as] the structuring of motives are – as you’ve come to know from his previous books – effortless, elegant and created in such a way that you don’t even notice the technique what with all the entertaining casualness of the narration. ›Oh, if only one could write like him‹, Hans Magnus Enzensberger is reported to have said when both authors met in Sweden.«

»In Clemens J. Setz’s works, all roads lead into the eerie vale in which things look like their opposite.« Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung

»one thousand pages of poetic terror« Süddeutsche Zeitung

»[an] ingenious novel […] [that] has the potential to become a cult novel. […] Despite its darkness, it will fascinate all of us, because it’s both freaky and extremely contemporary.« Die Zeit

»the most provocative, most...

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2015, 1021 pages

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Clemens J. Setz, born in Graz in 1982, studied mathematics and German language and literature at the University of Graz from 2001 to 2009. Today he lives in Vienna. Clemens J. Setz is the author of novels, short stories, poems and plays. He has received numerous awards for his works.
Clemens J. Setz, born in Graz in 1982, studied mathematics and German language and literature at the University of Graz from 2001 to 2009. Today he...


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Rights sold to:

Spanish world rights (H&O Editores), Italy (La Nave di Teseo)

Domestic Rights Sales: German Audiobook (Roof Music)

The Triumph of Clematis in Europe
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Life plans are worrisome worlds apart, transitions and nuances threaten to disappear in the public debate. David is dead, as published by the influencer Tim and some journalists, but from the parents’ point of view their boy has been suffering from a kind of dementia ever since his traffic accident. Renate and Konrad are looking for a school for their son, who takes the form of a tablet in a...

The Bees and the Invisible
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Pure meaning, pure poetry – this idea seems to worry and spur on people throughout the centuries. It is the driving force behind the invention of languages like Esperanto, Volapük or...

Rights sold to:

Spanish world rights (H&O Editores), Korea (Eulyoo), Esperanto world rights (Mondial)


The Comfort of Round Things
Year of Publication: 2019
Clemens J. SetzYear of Publication: 2019

An Alsatian soldier in the First World War discovers the constellation of the Great Young Kid in the night sky, but it is so awful that he can’t tell anyone about it. A young man, who has fallen...

Rights sold to:

Russia (Symposium), France (Actes Sud), Italy (La Nave di Teseo), Denmark (Vandkunsten), Japan (Kokusho Kankokai), Poland (Filtry), Greece (Gutenberg)

Domestic Rights Sales: German Audiobook (Griot)

Year of Publication: 2018
Clemens J. SetzYear of Publication: 2018

Imagine you’re a famous writer and are asked to give an extensive interview. You’re expected to disclose information about your interests and intellectual preferences, about the premises and backgrounds, the motifs and topics of your large body of work. Imagine not being able to think of anything to say, nothing whatsoever, try as you might. Well, someone else has to talk about you then. But...

Till Eulenspiegel
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Every child knows the stories about this most famous of pranksters, the one who bakes owls and monkeys, teaches a donkey how to read and fools the Duke of Anhalt. His sly humour, taking everything literally and intentionally misunderstanding everything, with which he keeps lords and masters at bay, has become proverbial. But it’s not only the powerful that fall victim to his rough pranks:...
Happy as Lead in a Corn Field
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There are stories so inconceivable that they cannot be told publicly, explicitly, but can only be recounted. Naturally, by the author himself. Here they are. Forty-five in number, and each of them illustrated by Kai Pfeiffer.

»Some months ago«, writes Clemens Setz, »I found some old stories in a folder that I had written when I was eighteen or nineteen. Leafing through the...
The Ostrich Trumpet
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Why did young women in the nineteenth century like to stick sharp needles in their mouths in the dark? What is it that prevents someone from being a great lover? And what do childless parrots do?

The answers to these and many more questions are to be found in Clemens J. Setz’s new collection of poetry, The Ostrich Trumpet. The same can be said of his uncanny and by turns abyssal...
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Clemens J. SetzYear of Publication: 2012

In the northern part of Styria, Austria, lies Helianau, a boarding school for children suffering from a mysterious condition known as indigo syndrome. Everyone who comes to close to them is struck...

Rights sold to:

USA (W. W. Norton / Liveright), UK (Serpent's Tail), Chinese simplex rights (CITIC Press / Sight), France (Jacqueline Chambon), Italy (La Nave di Teseo), Netherlands (Leesmagazijn), Denmark (Vandkunsten), Korea (Eulyoo), Japan (Kokusho Kankokai), Croatia (Hena Com), Greece (Gutenberg)

Previously published in the respective language / territory; rights available again: Chinese complex rights (China Times), Czech Republic (Fra), Hungary (Europa), Bulgaria (Funtasy)

Domestic Rights Sales: German Audiobook (Roof Music)


Love in the Times of the Mahlstädter Child
Year of Publication: 2011
Clemens J. SetzYear of Publication: 2011
A woman who has herself locked in a cage in her own kitchen; a man who lives all by himself in the innermost part of a distant planet; an aging poet in a crib who becomes the core of the collection...
Rights sold to:

Chinese simplex rights (CITIC Press / Sight), Arabic world rights (Al'Asreya), France (Actes Sud / Jacqueline Chambon), Czech Republic (Fra), Hungary (Europa), Bulgaria (Funtasy), Romania (Univers), Macedonia (Blesok)

Previously published in the respective language / territory; rights available again: Denmark (Vandkunsten)

Domestic Rights Sales: German Audiobook (Griot)


Laura de Weck talks to Clemens J. Setz about aliens, synaesthesia, and about what we should be mindful of if we don't want to become Bitcoin millionaires.
»As evil as Nabokov, as virtuosic as David Foster Wallace.« Welt am Sonntag
We are delighted to announce that Clemens J. Setz has been awarded the Kleist Prize 2020 for his œuvre.