Thomas Münzer as a Theologian of the Revolution

Suhrkamp | Insel
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Thomas Münzer as a Theologian of the Revolution / Gesamtausgabe in 16 Bänden. stw-Werkausgabe. Mit einem Ergänzungsband
Of the philosophers who shaped the 20th century, Ernst Bloch was the thinker of departure, resistance and anticipatory consciousness. His leitmotifs »the principle of hope, walking upright« and »concrete utopia« permeated the debates of the turbulent 1960s. Bloch teaches us that philosophical reflection means more than a cartography of the present. The »darkness of the lived moment« and the »ontology of not-yet-being« are categories of a thinking...
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Of the philosophers who shaped the 20th century, Ernst Bloch was the thinker of departure, resistance and anticipatory consciousness. His leitmotifs »the principle of hope, walking upright« and »concrete utopia« permeated the debates of the turbulent 1960s. Bloch teaches us that philosophical reflection means more than a cartography of the present. The »darkness of the lived moment« and the »ontology of not-yet-being« are categories of a thinking that does not allow its reason to be regimented and that appears in a new light in view of the profound changes in contemporary society. It is time to read Bloch (again).
1921, 230 pages
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Ernst Bloch (1885-1977), one of the most scintillating intellectuals of the 20th century and one of the most influential thinkers of the 1968 movement, ended his academic career as professor of Philosophy at the University of Tübingen.

Ernst Bloch (1885-1977), one of the most scintillating intellectuals of the 20th century and one of the most influential thinkers of the 1968...


On Karl Marx
Year of Publication: 1980
Ernst BlochYear of Publication: 1980
The leading German philosopher with a study of the thought of Karl Marx.

This study of Marx serves not only as an excellent introduction to that most influential of "worldly philosophers"...
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English world rights (Verso), Italy (Meltemi)

The Principle of Hope
Year of Publication: 1947
Ernst BlochYear of Publication: 1947
The Principle of Hope is one of the great works of the human spirit. It is a critical history of the utopian vision and a profound exploration of the possible reality of utopia. Even as the...
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English world rights (MIT Press), Chinese simplex rights (Shanghai Translation Publishing House), Arabic world rights (Sotoor), France (Gallimard), Italy (Mim Edizioni), Netherlands (Vantilt), Japan (Hakasuisha), Turkey (Iletism)

Previously published in the respective language/territory; rights available again: Spanish world rights (Trotta), Russia (Ural State University Press), Brazilian Portuguese rights (Contraponto), Korea (Open Books), Ukrainian (FOP Zhupansky)
The Spirit of Utopia
Year of Publication: 1918
Ernst BlochYear of Publication: 1918

In the summer of 1918 the world is knee-deep in blood: the war has already claimed millions of victims, the Spanish influenza is spreading, in Russia the revolution is turning into a civil war....

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English world rights (Stanford UP), Spanish world rights (Trotta), Chinese simplex rights (China Social Sciences Press), Brazilian Portuguese rights (Editora 34), France (Gallimard), Italy (Mondadori), Sweden (h:ström - Text & Kultur), Macedonia (Ars Studio)



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