Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – July 2024, issue 1

Beitrag zu Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – July 2024, issue 1
First row (from left to right):
Hermann Hesse, Mein Glaube – Korean edition published by Catholic Publishing House
Bertolt Brecht, Collected Works, Vol 3: Plays 3 – Turkish edition published by Everest, translated by Ayşe Selen & Ersel Kayaoğlu
Hans Joas, Im Bannkreis der Freiheit – Spanish edition published by Loyola / SalTerrae, translated by Claudio M. Viale, Diego O. Fonti & Marcos Breuer
Wolfgang Streeck, Zwischen Globalismus und Demokratie – Italian edition published by Feltrinelli, translated by Matteo Anastasio
Paul Celan, Selection of Poetry – Italian edition published by L’Orma, translated by Moshe Kahn
Maria Stepanova, Священная зима 20/21 – Swedish edition publishd by Nirstedt/litteratur, translated by Ida Börjel & Nils Håkanson
Ernst Bloch, Thomas Münzer als Theologe der Revolution – French edition published by Éditions Amsterdam, translated by Maurice de Gandillac
Bertolt Brecht, Trommeln in der Nacht – Turkish edition published by Everest, translated by Firuzan Gürbüz Gerhold
Peter Sloterdijk, Streß und Freiheit – Hungarian edition published by Typotex, translated by János Weiss

Second row (from left to right):
Alexander Kluge, Der Luftangriff auf Halberstadt am 8. April 1945 – Turkish edition published by Ketebe, translated by Mehmet Tahir Öncü
Benjamín Labatut, Un verdor terrible – Slovenian edition published by Mladinska knijga, translated by Vesna Velkovrh Bukilica
Katharina Winkler, Blauschmuck – Italian edition published by Cencellada, translated by Cristina Proto
Ernst Bloch, Thomas Münzer als Theologe der Revolution – Taiwanese edition published by CCLM, translated by Li Hua
Katja Petrowskaja, Das Foto schaute mich an – Danish edition published by Palomar, translated by Jacob Jonia
Eva Illouz, The Emotional Life of Populism – Italian edition published by Castelvecchi, translated by Chiara Fioravanti
Max Frisch, Tagebuch 1946-1949 – Slovak edition published by Premedia, translated by Zuzana Demjánová
Axel Honneth, Die Idee des Sozialismus – Arabic (Lebanese) edition published by Librairie Orientale

Third row (from left to right):
Robert Walser, Selection of Prose – Polish edition published by Officyna, translated by Łukasz Musiał
Walter Benjamin, Selected Essays – Indonesian edition published by Moooi, translated by Tiya Hapitiawati
Ernst Bloch, Neuzeitliche Philosophie II: Deutscher Idealismus - Die Philosophie des 19. Jahrhunderts (Leipziger Vorlesungen zur Geschichte der Philosophie, Vol. 4) – Italian edition published by Mimesis, translated by Vincenzo Scaloni
Max Frisch, Tagebuch 1966-1971 – English edition published by Seagull, translated by Simon Pare
Michael Maul, J.S. Bach. »Wie wunderbar sind deine Werke« - Belgian edition published by Bijleveld, translated by Clemens Romijn
Marion Poschmann, Die Kieferninseln – Macedonian edition published by Artkonekt, translated by Katerina Shekutkovska
Marie Luise Kaschnitz, Stories (Selection) – Japanese edition published by Sogensha, translated by Sakayori Shinichi
Theodor W. Adorno, Traumprotokolle – Swedish edition published by Nirstedt/litteratur, translated by Anna Petronella Foultier
Peter Sloterdijk, Regeln für den Menschenpark – Danish edition published by Multivers, translated by Knud Michelsen


J.S. Bach

Holy Winter 20/21

The Emotional Life of Populism

The Photograph Looked Back at Me

Between Globalism and Democracy

Under the Spell of Freedom

When We Cease to Understand the World

Rules for the Human Zoo

The Pine Islands

Blue Jewellery

The Idea of Socialism

Stress and Freedom

Air Raid

Sketchbook, 1966–1971

Sketchbook, 1946–1949

Thomas Münzer as a Theologian of the Revolution