I’ll Carry My Suitcase Myself

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I’ll Carry My Suitcase Myself / Den Koffer trag ich selber
A love of anarchy

»The fair, the book fair, the centre of the world, wrapped in autumn fog. I’ve been coming here for more than half a century and have played almost all the roles this event has to offer. However, the last and perhaps most interesting is now that of clairvoyant.«

Despite the odds, a life which shouldn’t have been at all becomes colourful and exciting. Being a constant part of this life, farewells can be countered by encounters and stories though the feeling that this is all a game continues throughout unabated. Eva Demski gathers together others’ lives, those both known and unknown; leading lights of literature like Reich-Ranicki, Koeppen, Kempowski, and Rose Ausländer share their stories, but over and over again she also seeks out outsiders and...

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Despite the odds, a life which shouldn’t have been at all becomes colourful and exciting. Being a constant part of this life, farewells can be countered by encounters and stories though the feeling that this is all a game continues throughout unabated. Eva Demski gathers together others’ lives, those both known and unknown; leading lights of literature like Reich-Ranicki, Koeppen, Kempowski, and Rose Ausländer share their stories, but over and over again she also seeks out outsiders and finds them. She has her own dead poets society, too. Her early life in Regensburg is one of incense and cigarette smoke, then there’s the theatre, and becoming a young adult in politically instable times. These times become even more unstable, however, when her husband, a lawyer for the Red Army Faction, suddenly dies and the police become interested in her.

A very personal book filled with unsentimental memories of a life with its share of beautiful and terrible surprises, snapshots that reflect German history over the last few decades.

»Life and its baffling undulations, diversions, impositions, all of this Demski describes on 400 gripping, graceful pages.« Thorsten Schmitz, Süddeutsche Zeitung

»Her memories are governed by sympathy and distance often laced with subtle mockery. They can also be read as a collection of outstanding journalistic texts.« Maria Frisé, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

»[…] a surprisingly unemotional book, written with distance and great self-irony that can veer into reflective earnestness at any time.« Christoph Schröder, Der Tagesspiegel

»The writer leafs through her life. And she does so openly and directly, very down-to-earth. Demski doesn’t spare herself, ever.« Claus-Jürgen Göpfert, Frankfurter Rundschau

»[Demski‘s I’ll Carry My Suitcase Myself] is written with remarkable modesty and elegance […] Intellectual punchlines traverse her book; this, too, makes [her] journey through time such a stimulating reading pleasure.« SWR 2

»Life and its baffling undulations, diversions, impositions, all of this Demski describes on 400 gripping, graceful pages.« Thorsten Schmitz, Süddeutsche Zeitung

»Her memories are governed by sympathy and distance often laced with subtle mockery. They can also be read as a collection of outstanding journalistic texts.« Maria Frisé, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

»[…] a surprisingly unemotional book, written with...

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2017, 397 pages
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Eva Demski, born in Regensburg in 1944, lives in Frankfurt/Main. Her literary œuvre has won her many awards.

Eva Demski, born in Regensburg in 1944, lives in Frankfurt/Main. Her literary œuvre has won her many awards.


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»I could no longer ignore them, my things, my utterly everyday, inconspicuous possessions. They wanted their own stories, every last one of them.«

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My Anarchist Album
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God wants it that way. The state wants it that way. Your father wants it that way. But why is there a superior, invisible entity that tells me what to do, what not to do, what to think, what to believe, which profession to have and whom to love? Anarchism puts us on a political and philosophical merry-go-round of which you don’t know when it will stop. Anarchism is not satisfied with...

Dead Alive
Year of Publication: 2014
Eva DemskiYear of Publication: 2014
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Rights sold to:

Previously published in the respective language / territory; rights available again: English world rights (Harper & Row), France (Albin Michel), Netherlands (De Boekerij), Sweden (Norstedts), Turkey (Can)

Garden Stories
Year of Publication: 2009
Eva DemskiYear of Publication: 2009
In many religions paradise is described as a garden. Countless people would love to have something resembling paradise in this life already. From this moment on, a question arises every day: Does the garden own us or do we own the garden?

Since Adam and Eve this question has been of some importance to humanity. In her book Eva Demski follows the relationship between garden and mankind...