My Anarchist Album

My Anarchist Album / Mein anarchistisches Album
The first anarchist act is to loudly ask: »Why?«

A profession of love to the great A, a plea for freedom, self-determination and equality, a personal exploration of the history of anarchism

God wants it that way. The state wants it that way. Your father wants it that way. But why is there a superior, invisible entity that tells me what to do, what not to do, what to think, what to believe, which profession to have and whom to love? Anarchism puts us on a political and philosophical merry-go-round of which you don’t know when it will stop. Anarchism is not satisfied with what is. It wants the end of violence and domination. It wants a life before death.


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God wants it that way. The state wants it that way. Your father wants it that way. But why is there a superior, invisible entity that tells me what to do, what not to do, what to think, what to believe, which profession to have and whom to love? Anarchism puts us on a political and philosophical merry-go-round of which you don’t know when it will stop. Anarchism is not satisfied with what is. It wants the end of violence and domination. It wants a life before death.

Eva Demski has explored the exciting history of anarchism – and collected the countless manifestations in which she has encountered it. She recalls Bakunin, Mühsam and Emma Goldman, tells the stories of 19th-century anarchist watchmakers, of progressive princes and female explorers like Isabelle Eberhardt; she discovers almost forgotten poets and tries to understand Lucheni, the murderer of Empress Sisi. Portraits, on-site visits, everyday observations, pamphlets and declarations of love have resulted in a colourful album with snapshots from many epochs – and one is amazed at all the things that can be done with the letter A.

2022, 220 pages
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Eva Demski, born in Regensburg in 1944, lives in Frankfurt/Main. Her literary œuvre has won her many awards.

Eva Demski, born in Regensburg in 1944, lives in Frankfurt/Main. Her literary œuvre has won her many awards.


Treasure Chest
Year of Publication: 2024
Eva DemskiYear of Publication: 2024
»I could no longer ignore them, my things, my utterly everyday, inconspicuous possessions. They wanted their own stories, every last one of them.«

A pair of broken flip flops, having given up the ghost after years of faithful service; a magnifying glass inherited from a wealthy poet; an ugly wooden spoon made of teak, unused for years; an old pocket watch, a family heirloom; and a...
New Garden Stories
Year of Publication: 2023
Eva DemskiYear of Publication: 2023

Eva Demski has been with her garden for fifty years now. Time to think about what things should be like moving forward. In her New Garden Stories, she talks about challenges she would never have dreamed of. It’s not just climate change and dealing with the fear of a virus that are giving her a hard time, but also her own age and box hedges that have been ripped out. The only thing that...

I’ll Carry My Suitcase Myself
Year of Publication: 2017
Eva DemskiYear of Publication: 2017

Despite the odds, a life which shouldn’t have been at all becomes colourful and exciting. Being a constant part of this life, farewells can be countered by encounters and stories though the feeling that this is all a game continues throughout unabated. Eva Demski gathers together others’ lives, those both known and unknown; leading lights of literature like Reich-Ranicki, Koeppen, Kempowski,...

Dead Alive
Year of Publication: 2014
Eva DemskiYear of Publication: 2014
Dead Alive is a novel about love in a time of great political unrest. In sensitive but never sentimental prose, Eva Demski tells the story of a woman faced with the challenge of fathoming a...
Rights sold to:

Previously published in the respective language / territory; rights available again: English world rights (Harper & Row), France (Albin Michel), Netherlands (De Boekerij), Sweden (Norstedts), Turkey (Can)

Garden Stories
Year of Publication: 2009
Eva DemskiYear of Publication: 2009
In many religions paradise is described as a garden. Countless people would love to have something resembling paradise in this life already. From this moment on, a question arises every day: Does the garden own us or do we own the garden?

Since Adam and Eve this question has been of some importance to humanity. In her book Eva Demski follows the relationship between garden and mankind...


Suhrkamp congratulates Eva Demski on her 80th birthday.