
Hyaenas / Die Stunde der Hyänen

German Crime Fiction Prize 2022

The new sublime thriller by the three-time winner of the German Crime Fiction Prize

A hot, hellish trip through a Berlin entirely unlike the one we know

Johannes Groschupf looks into the dark heart of our society

In the past few months, more and more luxury cars are set ablaze once night falls over the capital. Drivers in Berlin feel left alone and set out on communal »citizen patrols« in their neighbourhoods, while the police suspect left-wing scum. The young police officer Romina Winter has just been transferred to the arson squad as a disciplinary measure and is patrolling the city at night. Also trolling the streets is postman Maurice Jaenisch, who is convinced that the city is ruled by Satan. And...
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In the past few months, more and more luxury cars are set ablaze once night falls over the capital. Drivers in Berlin feel left alone and set out on communal »citizen patrols« in their neighbourhoods, while the police suspect left-wing scum. The young police officer Romina Winter has just been transferred to the arson squad as a disciplinary measure and is patrolling the city at night. Also trolling the streets is postman Maurice Jaenisch, who is convinced that the city is ruled by Satan. And because he wants to do everything right, he must face Him now. Jette Geppert is on the go as well. She is a journalist reporting on criminal trials in the borough of Moabit, and she is a »super recognizer«: She has the ability to recognize faces without fail. Three people are roaming the big city whose nightly face is mysterious, fascinating and highly dangerous…
»Groschupf’s prose is concise, cool. ... He also has a great sense of dialogue. And one finds that he knows the world, knows the edges where social consensus frays and where people live who don’t appear on social media or in reality TV.« Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

»Groschupf is Germany’s new master of the Berlin novel.« Welt am Sonntag

»Johannes Groschupf is an excellent craftsman who arranges plots confidently ... the author understands not only the rules of the genre, but also how to play with traditional literary motifs.« Joachim Feldmann, der Freitag

»A snappy, topical and fast-paced thriller. If you like a plot begging to be filmed, great characters, convincing dialogue and political digs, you’ll love this book. This is first-rate entertainment to the last page.« Sven Trautwein, Frankfurter Rundschau

»Like a seasoned huntsman Johannes Groschupf spearheads this chase in which almost everyone is both hunter and hunted at times – and so Hyaenas aims unrelentingly straight for the dark heart of our present. And this story hits, page after page, as accurately as a freshly oiled rifle.« Jan Drees, Deutschlandfunk

»Psychological, unnerving, all-consuming ‒ an emotional wildfire.« 3sat Kulturzeit

»A furious and gripping story.« Hanspeter Eggenberger, Tages-Anzeiger

»Groschupf is a fantastic [author] and his new thriller Hyaenas … definitely packs a punch. A definite must-read ...« Sylvia Anderle, BuchMarkt

»In his skilfully constructed thriller, Groschupf reveals a contemporary hell that is on no one’s radar. […] awarded the German Crime Fiction Prize, he presents himself once more as a master of his craft with Hyaenas.« Thomas Hummitzsch, tip

»Simply wonderful. In his third thriller, Johannes Groschupf sets out on a new path that leads to great things.« Tobias Gohlis, Deutschlandfunk Kultur

»He stages his story so confidently and intoxicatingly that we follow it mesmerised.« Ulrich Noller, WDR 1

»A book with fast-paced laconic dialogues à l’Elmore Leonard. A rhapsody of noir, atmospheric like James Ellroy, and deprived of any hope that Berlin has never seen before.« Alexander Kluy, Buchkultur Krimi on Berlin Prepper

»This book is the bomb. Must read.« Elmar Krekeler, Welt am Sonntag on Berlin Heat

»It’s plain and simple: Groschupf writes the best Berlin thrillers since the times of Jörg Fauser and Ulf Miehe.« Lutz Göllner & Erik Heier, tip
»Groschupf’s prose is concise, cool. ... He also has a great sense of dialogue. And one finds that he knows the world, knows the edges where social consensus frays and where people live who don’t appear on social media or in reality TV.« Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

»Groschupf is Germany’s new master of the Berlin novel.« Welt am Sonntag

»Johannes Groschupf is an excellent craftsman who arranges plots...
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Johannes Groschupf, born in 1963, worked as an independent travel journalist for many years. In 1994, he survived a helicopter crash in the Sahara. Based on this experience, 1998 saw the creation of the award-winning radio feature Der Absturz (»The Crash«). After that, he focused on literary works, first and foremost in the field of YA literature, before turning to suspense writing. He was awarded the German Crime Fiction Prize for all three of his thrillers Berlin Preppers, Berlin Heat and Hyaenas.

Johannes Groschupf, born in 1963, worked as an independent travel journalist for many years. In 1994, he survived a helicopter crash in the...


Berlin Heat
Year of Publication: 2021
Johannes GroschupfYear of Publication: 2021

Berlin is boiling hot in the first summer after the pandemic. The tourists are back in Party City, there are excessive parties everywhere, people are enjoying the time after the lockdown. Good business for Tom Lohoff, the facilitator, who has apartments, all kinds of drugs, sex and access to top clubs on offer for the party crowd from all over the world. And he has large gambling debts with a...

Berlin Preppers
Year of Publication: 2019
Johannes GroschupfYear of Publication: 2019

As an online-editor for a large daily newspaper, Walter Noack is in charge of eliminating rude remarks and hate speech from various comment sections. He is confronted with the most odious insults a thousand times a day. His nerves become even more frayed after he and subsequently a colleague are beaten seemingly at random by strangers, and his private life is shaken by loss.

The police...


The politically explosive thriller by Berlin-based author Johannes Groschupf is set to be turned into a feature film.
Hyaenas and Davenport 160 x 90 receive first and third place respectively in the category »National Crime Literature«.