Winter Morning

Short Stories
Original Hungarian title: Isten. Haz. Csal
Suhrkamp | Insel
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Italy (Il Saggiatore), Bulgaria (Paradox), Serbia (Akademska Knjiga)

Winter Morning / Wintermorgen
Short Stories
Original Hungarian title: Isten. Haz. Csal
Aleksandar Tišma International Literary Prize 2019

An entire orchestra dies tragically during a bus accident; sole survivor is the drummer, who sets about carrying out their task single-handedly: releasing patients of a psychiatric hospital from their individual insanity through the collective experience of music. A girl stands by the window and observes a couple kissing on the street, holding in her hand the stone with which she is planning to strike them.

An accident to which its victims don’t react; cryptic...
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An entire orchestra dies tragically during a bus accident; sole survivor is the drummer, who sets about carrying out their task single-handedly: releasing patients of a psychiatric hospital from their individual insanity through the collective experience of music. A girl stands by the window and observes a couple kissing on the street, holding in her hand the stone with which she is planning to strike them.

An accident to which its victims don’t react; cryptic events in whose centre an evil about to ambush resides; killing without knowing why: these are the sinister experiences around which the 27 short pieces of prose contained in this volume revolve. The normality in which we live appears as an island in a sea of hate, brutality and paranoia.

László Darvasi, explorer of the incomprehensible, has early on discovered the short story as the form in which his art of mystification and densification is expressed most strongly. His narrator unwaveringly examines the person whose wishes and acts he himself doesn’t understand. Darvasi’s creations seem enchanted, as though capable of committing the craziest, most beautiful act of love as well as the most horrific of crimes. It’s the eloquence of the author, his literally bottomless imagination, that forms texts, so enchanting in their conciseness and mesmerizing beauty, from the most absurd, most nightmarish scenarios.

»László Darvasi’s fiercely imaginative, gruesome-absurd narrative world gives you gooseflesh. (…) Great literature, masterfully translated by Heinrich Eisterer.« Ilma Rakusa, Neue Zürcher Zeitung

»Hardly any other author writes more sensibly and clearly about Europe’s current crisis than Darvasi.« Nicole Henneberg, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

»Reading Darvasi is electrifying. You feel a tingling under your skin, at times you get shocks, but it’s impossible to put the book down.« Tobias Schwartz, taz. die tageszeitung

»The monsters are among us. We ourselves are these monsters. One more reason to read Darvasi.« DIE ZEIT

»In the short stories that make up Wintermorgen Darvasi is as timeless as he is contemporary, and he thematicizes the reality of his country in a radical and poetic way.« Erika Achermann, FOCUS

»Here the reader encounters a completely unique cosmos, and if they let themselves in, they will understand what truly great literature is.« Andreas Wirthensohn, Wiener Zeitung

»These short stories and frighteningly bleak, terribly comic and often tremendously touching – a completely singular literary cosmos […] Whoever lets themselves in will feel what truly great literature is.« A Wirthensohn, Passauer Neue Presse

»László Darvasi’s short stories are parable-like, poetic, at times terrifyingly brutal and then once again delicate and compassionate ... A collection as entertaining as it is profound.« NDR

»Darvasi’s art consists in being able to depict even grotesque situations in a completely natural and believable way – even when they tip over into the surreal or the fantastical.« Tabea Soergel, Deutschlandfunk

»It is truly unbelievable how poetically, brutally and heartrendingly László Darvasi writes about ‘what is, in that it is not’.« Ingrid Mylo, Badische Zeitung

»The Hungarian author’s 34 short stories are surreal, grotesque, cryptic and shine with brilliant language.« Heiko Buhr, lebensart

»László Darvasi’s fiercely imaginative, gruesome-absurd narrative world gives you gooseflesh. (…) Great literature, masterfully translated by Heinrich Eisterer.« Ilma Rakusa, Neue Zürcher Zeitung

»Hardly any other author writes more sensibly and clearly about Europe’s current crisis than Darvasi.« Nicole Henneberg, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

»Reading Darvasi is electrifying. You...

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2016, 348 pages
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László Darvasi, born in 1962 in southern Hungary, has worked as a teacher and journalist. He came to prominence as a poet and published short works of prose and novellas. Darvasi, who lives in Szeged and Budapest, is considered one of the greatest talents in Hungarian literature. In 2019, he received the »Aleksandar Tišma« International Literary Prize for his work.

László Darvasi, born in 1962 in southern Hungary, has worked as a teacher and journalist. He came to prominence as a poet and published short...


The Flower Eaters
Year of Publication: 2013
László DarvasiYear of Publication: 2013
Of the struggle for freedom in dark times – and of the resistance of poetry

Like in his novel Die Legende von den Tränengauklern (A könnymutatványosok...
Rights sold to:

Spanish world rights (Sexto Piso), Netherlands (Wereldbibliotheek), Poland (Jagiellonian UP), Czech Republic (Dauphin), Bulgaria (Paradox)

Mr. Stern
Year of Publication: 2006
László DarvasiYear of Publication: 2006

Some stories you never forget.

A forester finds a human arm in the forest, buried in the earth, still warm; it must have been ripped out with enormous force – but the body it belonged to is nowhere to be found. Before the mystery is solved in what is literally the novel’s final sentence, we hear the sad story of Mr. Stern, a private academic, who holds...
When a Centre Forward is dreaming
Year of Publication: 2006
László DarvasiYear of Publication: 2006

Rights sold to:

Croatia (Fraktura), Turkey (Iletisim)

The Dog Hunters of Lojang
Year of Publication: 2002
László DarvasiYear of Publication: 2002
These fifteen outrageous stories take place in an imaginary Chinese setting with no specific time or location. The evil little parables from the »Djinn Academy« permeate the book like...
Rights sold to:

Netherlands (Wereldbibliotheek), Romania (Nemira)

Getting Hold of a Woman
Year of Publication: 2000
László DarvasiYear of Publication: 2000
In spring 1999, having completed his novel The Legend of the Tear Jugglers, Darvasi returned to his original short prose style. Against the backdrop of the mass ethnic cleansing in Kosovo...
Rights sold to:

Croatia (Fraktura)

The Legend of the Tear Jugglers
Year of Publication: 1999
László DarvasiYear of Publication: 1999
Nobody knows from where they come, the five mysterious figures who make their way through a central Europe torn asunder by wars and epidemics, pogroms and struggles for freedom, performing works of...
Rights sold to:

Italy (Il Saggiatore), Netherlands (Wereldbibliotheek), Czech Republic (Dauphin)


Just published
We are delighted to present to you our latest arrivals!
László Darvasi has been awarded the International Literary Prize »Aleksandar Tišma«.