The Notes

or On Non-premature Reconciliation
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Previously published in the respective language / territory; rights available again: France (Éditions L'Age d'Homme), Italy (Marcos y Marcos), Netherlands (De Prom)

The Notes / Die Notizen oder Von der unvoreiligen Versöhnung
or On Non-premature Reconciliation

»Hohl is necessary, we are accidental. We document the human, Hohl determines it.« Friedrich Dürrenmatt

The Notes – the work of a »Montaigne of our time« – were written between 1934 and 1936, three years during which Hohl lived in the Netherlands in »greatest spiritual solitude«. Despite the short period of time in which the collection was written, it is a sum of his whole life and thinking.

The public always considered Ludwig Hohl a stranger. It was only very late that they tried to make up for what had been missed: in 1978, Hohl was presented with the...

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The Notes – the work of a »Montaigne of our time« – were written between 1934 and 1936, three years during which Hohl lived in the Netherlands in »greatest spiritual solitude«. Despite the short period of time in which the collection was written, it is a sum of his whole life and thinking.

The public always considered Ludwig Hohl a stranger. It was only very late that they tried to make up for what had been missed: in 1978, Hohl was presented with the most important prizes for his works, the Robert Walser Centenary Prize, followed by the Petrarca-Prize in 1980. The power of Hohl’s work is a consequence of the intensity of Hohl’s approach to everything he said and thought. But above all, it is the process of thinking, which is made transparent with this volume, the kind of thinking that Hohl perceived as work.

»A work, perceived of thirty years ago, before the Second World War, or, dated in a literary fashion: before Kafka broke out, before many a shift within the classics, before the posthumous coronation of Wittgenstein, before linguistic experiments that are now part of the compulsory curriculum of an averagely gifted person and before the declaration of ›texts‹; as such not a prophetic work, therefore not posthumously-relevant because the course of time has confirmed it, but as virulent now as it was decades ago and readable as if it had just been created, remotely contemporary, ›un-famed‹ but available, linguistically acute; I think, this is class.« Max Frisch

»Ludwig Hohl’s work, like almost no other these days, can be picked up and read without prerequisite or compromise. It’s as outrageous as it is self-evident. It doesn’t have to be discovered, recommended or be made accessible by interpretation, but is available freely to be read, like a human piece of writing belonging to nature and giving it a soul in the first place.« Peter Handke

»[Hohl] was a voyeur where the nuances and shivers of sensitivity are concerned. Hohl experienced physical and psychological phenomena as endlessly fragmented. With disillusioned qualms, he assembled these fragments to a mosaic of language that is of extraordinary clarity.« George Steiner

»Hohl is a great discovery, an unjustly neglected author.« Susan Bernofsky, author of Clairvoyant of the Small: The Life of Robert Walser

»The Notes should be celebrated: it is wonderful that this volume of [Hohl’s] compact, aphoristic observations has finally arrived in English.« Alexandra Sattler, Arts Fuse

»Swiss writer Ludwig Hohl is always good for a pointed and surprising observation. His work reveals countless idiosyncratic notes, among them maxims, parables, small portraits, sketches: the forms often merge into one another.« Martin Zingg, Neue Zürcher Zeitung am Sonntag

»Ludwig Hohl’s work, like almost no other these days, can be picked up and read without prerequisite or compromise. It’s as outrageous as it is self-evident. It doesn’t have to be discovered, recommended or be made accessible by interpretation, but is available freely to be read, like a human piece of writing belonging to nature and giving it a soul in the first place.« Peter Handke

»[Hohl] was a voyeur where the nuances and shivers of...

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1981, 831 pages
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Ludwig Hohl was born in Nestal, Switzerland, in 1904. He spent his twenties in Paris, Vienna and The Hague. In 1937, he returned to Biel, then moved to Geneva where he lived in a basement apartment and worked as a writer, initially publishing in newspapers only. Even though Hohl was highly esteemed by his peers, writers such as Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Max Frisch and Peter Handke, he lived most of his life in relative obscurity, tasting success only in the last decade of his life, when he won the Robert Walser Centenary Prize in 1978. He is best known for his magnum opus Die Notizen. He died in Geneva in 1980, in the same year in which he received the Petrarca-Prize.

Ludwig Hohl was born in Nestal, Switzerland, in 1904. He spent his twenties in Paris, Vienna and The Hague. In 1937, he returned to Biel, then...


Ten Days / Report from a Journey Within
Year of Publication: 2023
Ludwig HohlYear of Publication: 2023
Ten Days and Report from a Journey Within are texts written during times of institutionalisation. Ten Days was recorded following an involuntary inpatient treatment at a Parisian psychiatric hospital. A decade after that, the Report from a Journey Within documents being held in investigative custody in the Saint-Antoine prison in Geneva. The texts describe...
The Penultimate Station. The Dingy Chronicles
Year of Publication: 2023
Ludwig HohlYear of Publication: 2023
The report The Penultimate Station, published from the author’s estate, is a chronicle of Ludwig Hohl‘s stay in the mountain village of Dingy and describes the real encounter with Georges Mergault, a degenerate acquaintance from the days in Montparnasse. In the unstable and sick artist’s existence of Mergault, the narrator finds himself confronted with a monstrous...
Report about Artemis
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In 1949, Ludwig Hohl sent out his Report about Artemis. My Situation Created by Artemis Publishers to more than one hundred sympathetic authors, editors, representatives of the literary scene and authorities. In it, he describes a fight that had lasted several years between Hohl and his publisher about the publication of the second volume of his magnum opus The Notes or On...

A Strange Turn
Year of Publication: 2023
Ludwig HohlYear of Publication: 2023

A nameless author searches for his fortune in the strange metropolis of Paris. He falls into the hands of a shady art dealer named Schwänzel and in with a community of drinkers and vagabonds...

Rights sold to:

France (Nouvel Attila)

From the Deep Sea
Year of Publication: 2004
Ludwig HohlYear of Publication: 2004

Midnight Society was supposed to be the title of the novel that Ludwig Hohl wanted to write about Bohemian life in 1920’s Paris. Dreamers, drinkers, scroungers,...

Rights sold to:

Previously published in the respective language / territory; rights available again: France (Nouvel Attila)

Nuances and Details
Year of Publication: 1975
Ludwig HohlYear of Publication: 1975

Rights sold to:

Previously published in the respective language / territory; rights available again: Spanish world rights (DVD Ediciones), France (Éditions de L'Aire)

Year of Publication: 1975
Ludwig HohlYear of Publication: 1975

Ludwig Hohl began writing this story in 1926 and finished it only in 1975, in the year of its first publication. With his narrative he manages to establish an enigmatic simplicity where...

Rights sold to:

USA & Canada (Black Square), France (Nouvel Attila), Italy (Sellerio), Netherlands (Leesmagazijn), Denmark (Atlanten), Sweden (Ersatz), Hungary (Bookart), Turkey (Turkuvaz)

Previously published in the respective language / territory; rights available again: Spanish world rights (Minuscula), Russia (Raduga)

Nocturnal Path
Year of Publication: 1971
Ludwig HohlYear of Publication: 1971

This volume contains nine short stories that tell of those who seek, of people who are, exhausted, paralysed, expelled from society, nevertheless on their way of finding themselves. With...

Rights sold to:

Previously published in the respective language / territory; rights available again: Spanish world rights (Minuscula), France (Éditions L’Âge d’Homme), Italy (Marcos y Marcos), Netherlands (Leesmagazijn)


April 9, 2024 marks 120 years since the birth of author Ludwig Hohl.
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