The Karnau Tapes

Suhrkamp | Insel
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The Karnau Tapes / Flughunde
Kleist Prize 2014

World War II. The final days of the Third Reich. Hermann Karnau, a sound engineer, is obsessively compiling an archive of every conceivable nuance of human sound. Karnau's work so impresses Hitler's leading propagandist that he entrusts his five children to Karnau's care while his wife is giving birth to the sixth. Helga, the eldest daughter, who is wise beyond her years, forms a warm bond of friendship with the engineer.

Karnau's assignments take him to Nazi party rallies,...

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World War II. The final days of the Third Reich. Hermann Karnau, a sound engineer, is obsessively compiling an archive of every conceivable nuance of human sound. Karnau's work so impresses Hitler's leading propagandist that he entrusts his five children to Karnau's care while his wife is giving birth to the sixth. Helga, the eldest daughter, who is wise beyond her years, forms a warm bond of friendship with the engineer.

Karnau's assignments take him to Nazi party rallies, where he records the rantings of leaders, the roar of approving crowds, the labored breathing of the crippled, the rasp of throats constricted with fear; to Alsace, where he plays his part in silencing any sound that is not German; to the Eastern Front, where he records the screams and death rattles of fallen soldiers. As Germany sinks into blood and destruction, Helga bears withess to the disintegration of her family - her mother's instability, her father's infidelity and pathetic denial that defeat is near. In the novel's bracing conclusion, Karnau joins the family in Hitler's bunker for the ultimate challenge of his career: to record the Fuhrer's last utterances.

»A virtuoso novel that ranks among the most vivid and unsettling reponses to Germany’s Nazi Past.« The Times (London)

»A quite brilliant piece of horror […] superbly crafted.« Süddeutsche Zeitung

»A masterpiece« Süddeutsche Zeitung

»One of the most impressive books about the last days of the war« Der Spiegel

»This novel is frighteningly perfect« Literarisches Quartett

»A virtuoso novel that ranks among the most vivid and unsettling reponses to Germany’s Nazi Past.« The Times (London)

»A quite brilliant piece of horror […] superbly crafted.« Süddeutsche Zeitung

»A masterpiece« Süddeutsche Zeitung

»One of the most impressive books about the last days of the war« Der Spiegel

»This novel is frighteningly perfect« Literarisches Quartett

1995, 311 pages
Cover (Web)Cover (Print)


Marcel Beyer was born and raised in Cologne. The author of several novels and collections of poems, he has received numerous awards and was named one of the best young novelists in the world by The New Yorker. He lives in Dresden.

Marcel Beyer was born and raised in Cologne. The author of several novels and collections of poems, he has received numerous awards and was named...


Demon Removal Service
Year of Publication: 2020
Marcel BeyerYear of Publication: 2020

There is a performance at the trashy theatre. Hildegard Knef gets in a car. Rudolph Moshammer carries his Yorkshire Terrier around Munich. S. T. Coleridge makes a joke about Cologne. Works of art...

Rights sold to:

Kurdish rights (tîr-verlag)

The Century that Cried itself Blind
Year of Publication: 2017
Marcel BeyerYear of Publication: 2017

Considering this current moment of great change as well as the 20th century when death became a master from Germany, is literature still possible? Does it still have a reason for being in a post-Auschwitz world where all cultural production can only be an expression of barbarism? Or is literature necessary, indeed indispensible, precisely because of such atrocities? Which methods must such a...

The Karnau Tapes
Year of Publication: 2013
Ulli Lust, Marcel BeyerYear of Publication: 2013
Since his brilliant and harrowing novel The Karnau Tapes came out in 1995, Marcel Beyer has been considered »one of Europe’s best young novelists« (The New...
Rights sold to:

English World Rights (New York Review of Books), France (Ça et La), Netherlands (Scratch Books), Slovak Republic (Brak)

Putin’s Postbox
Year of Publication: 2012
Marcel BeyerYear of Publication: 2012
This collection of unpublished stories and vignettes by Marcel Beyer is a book about perception, style, listening, and writing.

One morning, Marcel Beyer drives out to the...
Rights sold to:

English world rights (Voland & Quist)

Year of Publication: 2008
Marcel BeyerYear of Publication: 2008
Marcel Beyer has written a grand new novel, a panorama spanning German history from the 1930s up to the present. Like in his successful Flughunde (The Karnau Tapes), ...
Rights sold to:

English world rights (Harcourt), Spanish world rights (Edhasa), Chinese simplex rights (People’s Literature Publishing House), Arabic world rights (Kalima), France (Métailié), Italy (Einaudi), Netherlands (Cossée), Sweden (Bonniers), Norway (Pax), Czech Republic (Havran), Hungary (Magvetö), Croatia (Fraktura), Serbia (Geopoetika), Turkey (Ayrinti)

Domestic Rights Sales: German Audiobook (Lindhardt & Ringhof / Saga Egmont)


We are proud to announce that the Friedrich Hölderlin Prize 2021 has been awarded to Marcel Beyer.
January 27 marks the Memorial Day for the Victims of National Socialism in Germany and the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust.
The German Academy for Language and Literature awards the 2016 Georg Büchner Prize to writer Marcel Beyer.