A Theory of Juristic Argumentation

The Theory of Rational Discourse as a Theory of Juristic Reasoning
Suhrkamp | Insel
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A Theory of Juristic Argumentation / Theorie der juristischen Argumentation
The Theory of Rational Discourse as a Theory of Juristic Reasoning
The subject of this study concerns the central problem of juristic methodology. It is possible to formulate in the question whether jurisprudence is equipped with a commonly accepted canon that makes possible a rationally and inter-subjectively verifiable scrutiny.

Consensus today for the most part exists only in the negative; namely, that juristic decisions are not only controlled by law, precedent, doctrine and conventional methodology, but also in all reasonably problematic cases by...
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The subject of this study concerns the central problem of juristic methodology. It is possible to formulate in the question whether jurisprudence is equipped with a commonly accepted canon that makes possible a rationally and inter-subjectively verifiable scrutiny.

Consensus today for the most part exists only in the negative; namely, that juristic decisions are not only controlled by law, precedent, doctrine and conventional methodology, but also in all reasonably problematic cases by »non-juridical« or moral judgments.

1978, 397 pages
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Robert Alexy, born in 1945, is professor of Public Law and Legal Philosophy at the Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel.

Robert Alexy, born in 1945, is professor of Public Law and Legal Philosophy at the Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel.


Theory of Fundamental Rights
Year of Publication: 1986
Robert AlexyYear of Publication: 1986
Concentrating in particular on the case law of the Federal Constitutional Court, Alexy endeavors to develop a general theory of the fundamental rights of the German Constitution. The most important...
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English world rights (Oxford UP), Spanish world rights (C.E.P.C.), Chinese simplex rights (China Legal), Brazilian Portuguese rights (Juspodivm/Malheiros), Italy (Il Mulino), Korea (Korean Research Foundation), Japan (Minerva Shobo), Poland (Sejm)


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