Purest Serial Material: Follow Vega into the eye of the storm …

Beitrag zu Purest Serial Material: Follow Vega into the eye of the storm …
The first instalment of a spectacular series. A gripping story about climate change and its consequences.

Germany 2052: The hot, dry summers are causing the people to suffer. To alleviate the water shortage, Vega works as a weather maker – she manipulates the clouds and brings rain. But she has a secret: unlike her colleagues, she doesn’t use chemicals and drones to do so. Because Vega can call up wind and rain with the power of her thoughts.

When children are injured in a mysterious weather accident, Vega becomes a target. How is she supposed to prove her innocence when no one is allowed to know about her gift? She receives unexpected help from Leo, a young scientist who is researching the nature of storms. In her search for the truth, Vega delves deeper and deeper into a web of influential environmental authorities, activists and corporations ... Who can she trust? And how can she protect the people she loves?

When the wind comes to life and the rain becomes a danger, the storm gets a soul and weather a face: Vega

Detailed series adaptation exposé available on request.

Please click here to order a review copy or to inquire about film rights.

Marion Perko is a literary and media scholar. She worked in various YA publishing houses for ten years before setting up her own business as an editor, writing coach and author in 2016. She lives in Eastern Bavaria and writes children’s and YA fiction.
Marion Perko is a literary and media scholar. She worked in various YA publishing houses for ten years before setting up her own business as an...


Vega – The Wind in My Hands