Marion Perko
Autorenfoto zu Marion Perko

Marion Perko

Marion Perko is a literary and media scholar. She worked in various YA publishing houses for ten years before setting up her own business as an editor, writing coach and author in 2016. She lives in Eastern Bavaria and writes children’s and YA fiction.
Marion Perko is a literary and media scholar. She worked in various YA publishing houses for ten years before setting up her own business as an editor, writing coach and author in 2016. She lives in Eastern Bavaria and writes children’s and YA fiction.


Vega – The Storm in My Heart
Year of Publication: 2023
Marion PerkoYear of Publication: 2023
Vega’s situation seems hopeless. She has been abducted and fallen into the hands of Bioverse, a powerful weather corporation. All because the secret she has kept her whole life was exposed: she can change the weather with the power of her mind, can conjure rain and summon the wind. In a world plagued by droughts and storms, this gift is priceless – a fact that is not lost on...
Vega – The Wind in My Hands
Year of Publication: 2022
Marion PerkoYear of Publication: 2022

When the wind comes to life and the rain becomes a danger, the storm gets a soul and weather a face: Vega

Germany 2052: The hot, dry summers are causing the people to suffer. To alleviate the water shortage, Vega works as a weather maker – she manipulates the clouds and brings rain. But she has a secret: unlike her colleagues, she doesn’t use chemicals and drones...


Film rights
Marion Perko, Vega – The Wind in My Hands