Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – February 2024, issue 3

Beitrag zu Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – February 2024, issue 3
First row (from left to right):
Niklas Luhmann, Liebe als Passion – Chinese simplex edition published by East China Normal UP
Paul Celan, Selection of Poetry – Lithuanian edition published by Hieronymus, translated by Linas Rybelis
Gerhard Fritsch, Fasching – Serbian edition published by Nojzac, translated by Relja Dražić
Sasha Marianna Salzmann, Im Menschen muss alles herrlich sein – UK English edition published by Pushkin Press, translated by Imogen Taylor
Maria Stepanova, Священная зима 20/21 – UK English edition published by Bloodaxe, translated by Sasha Dugdale
Peter Handke, Versuch über den Stillen Ort – Greek edition published by Hestia, translated by Spýros Moskóvou

Second row (from left to right):
Andreas Reckwitz, Das Ende der Illusionen – Chinese simplex edition published by SSAP
Christa Wolf, Kassandra – Swedish edition published by Lind & Co., translated by Margaretha Holmqvist
Robert Menasse, Die Erweiterung – Dutch edition published by Arbeiderspers, translated by Wil Boesten
Andreas Reckwitz, Die Gesellschaft der Singularitäten – Chinese simplex edition published by SSAP
Peter Handke, Kindergeschichte – Romanian edition published by Editura Art, translated by Alexandru Al. Şahighian
Peter Handke, Die Angst des Tormanns beim Elfmeter – Romanian edition published by Editura Art, translated by Corina Jiva

Third row (from left to right):
Christoph Menke, Kraft – Chinese simplex edition published by East China Normal UP
Wilhelm Schmid, Schaukeln – Turkish edition published by Iletisim, translated by Tanil Bora
Jury Andruchowytsch, Московіада – Lithuanian edition published by Hieronymus, translated by Vytas Dekšnys
Peter Handke, Der kurze Brief zum langen Abschied – Romanian edition published by Editura Art, translated by Mariana Lăzărescu
Peter Handke, Die linkshändige Frau – Romanian edition published by Editura Art, translated by Corina Jiva
Peter Handke, Wunschloses Unglück – Romanian edition published by Editura Art, translated by Alexandru Al. Şahighian


Holy Winter 20/21

On the Swing Set

Glorious People

The End of Illusions

The Society of Singularities

Essay on the Quite Place


The Moscoviad

Love as Passion

Child Story

The Left-Handed Woman

A Sorrow Beyond Dreams

Short Letter, Long Farewell

The Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick
