Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – May 2023, issue 1

Beitrag zu Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – May 2023, issue 1
We are delighted to present to you our latest arrivals:

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First row (from left to right):

Peter Sloterdijk, Wer noch kein Grau gedacht hat: French edition published by Payot & Rivages, translated by Olivier Mannoni

Siegfried Kracauer, Das Ornament der Masse: Italian edition published by Cue Press, translated by Maria Giovanna Amirante Pappalardo, Claudio Groff, Francesco Maione & Serena Parisi

Jürgen Habermas, Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie, Vol. 1: French edition published by Gallimard, translated by Frédéric Joly

Maria Stepanova, Памяти памяти: Spanish edition published by Acantilado, translated by Jorge Ferrer

Eva Illouz, Cold Intimacies: Chinese simplex edition published by Shanghai Insight Media

Robert Menasse, Die Hauptstadt: Chinese simplex edition published by Linking

Katja Petrowskaja, Vielleicht Esther: Slovenian edition published by Ebesede, translated by Ana Grmek

Serhiy Zhadan, Poems (selection): Latvian edition published by Orbita, translated by Ingmara Balode, Janis Elsbergs, Mara Polakova & Maris Salejs

Second row (from left to right):

Axel Honneth, Das Recht der Freiheit: Japanese edition published by Hosei UP, translated by Mizugami Hidenori, Ookouchi Taiju, Miyamoto Shinya & Higurashi Makio

Andreas Reckwitz, Das Ende der Illusionen: Spanish edition published by Nola, translated by Luciano Elizaincín

Jürgen Habermas, Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie, Vol. 2: French edition published by Gallimard, translated by Frédéric Joly

Zoë Beck, Paradise City: Latvian edition published by SIA Pētergailis, translated by Sigita Kushner

Andrzej Stasiuk, Jadąc do Babadag: Chinese simplex edition published by Guangdong Flower City Publishing House

Esther Kinsky, Rombo: Italian edition published by Iperborea, translated by Silvia Albesano

Peter Sloterdijk, Im Schatten des Sinai: Italian edition published by Ariele, translated by Gianni Bertocchini

Peter Handke, Zwiegespräch: Italian edition published by Guanda, translated by Alessandra Iadicicco

Photo 2

First row (from left to right):

Peter Handke, Versuch über den geglückten Tag: Hungarian edition published by Typotex, translated by Gábor Csordás

Lutz Seiler, Kruso: Japanese edition published by Hakusuisha

Heiner Müller, Works (selection): Italian edition published by Cue Press, translated by Milena Massalongo

Jörg Später, Siegfried Kracauer: French edition published by Ithaque, translated by Régis Gaspaillard

Bertolt Brecht, Poems (selection): Spanish edition published by Galaxia Gutenberg, translated by José Luis Gómez Toré

Andreas Reckwitz, Die Gesellschaft der Singularitäten: Slovenian edition published by Krtina, translated by Ana Monika Habjan

Benjamín Labatut, Un verdor terrible: Polish edition published by Czarne, translated by Tomasz Pindel

Jürgen Habermas, Ein neuer Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit und die deliberative Politik: French edition published by Gallimard, translated by Frédéric Joly

Second row (from left to right):

Stephan Thome, Gott der Barbaren: Chinese complex edition published by Linking

Günter Eich, Unter Wasser: French edition published by Christa Geitner, translated by Christa Geitner & Annick Scheffler Balny

Wolfgang Streeck, Zwischen Globalismus und Demokratie: French edition published by Gallimard, translated by Frédéric Joly

Andreas Reckwitz, Die Erfindung der Kreativität: Spanish edition published by Catarata, translated by Celso Sánchez Capdequí

Yuri Andrukhovych, Лексикон інтимних міст: Spanish edition published by Acantilado, translated by Oksana Gollyak & Frederic Guerreo Solé

Hans Erich Nossack, Spätestens im November: Dutch edition published by Oevers, translated by Josephine Rijnaarts

Serhiy Zhadan, Інтернат: Greek edition published by Dioptra, translated by Dimitris Triantafyllidis


A New Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere and Deliberative Politics

If You Have Never Thought Grey



Between Globalism and Democracy

The Mass Ornament

Paradise City

When We Cease to Understand the World

The End of Illusions

This Too a History of Philosophy

In Memory of Memory

God of the Barbarians

The Society of Singularities

The Capital

The Orphanage

Siegfried Kracauer


Maybe Esther

In the Shadow of Mount Sinai

The Invention of Creativity