Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – May 2024, issue 3

Beitrag zu Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – May 2024, issue 3
First row (from left to right):
Maria Stepanova, Памяти памяти– French paperback edition published by Le Livre de Poche, translated by Anne Coldefy-Faucard
Christoph Hein, Horns Ende – Korean edition published by CommunicationBooks
Theodor W. Adorno, Kants »Kritik der reinen Vernunft« (1959) – French edition published by Klincksieck, translated by Michèle Cohen-Halimi
Günter Frankenberg, Staatstechnik – Chinese edition published by China Legal Press
Peter Handke, Die Morawische Nacht – Italian edition published by Guanda, translated by Claudio Groff
Robert Walser, Mikrogramme (Selection) – Korean edition published by Munhakdongne
Eva Illouz, Populism, The Emotional Life of Populism – Swedish edition published by Daidalos, translated by Joel Nordqvist
Daria Serenko, желаю пепла своему дому – Swedish edition published by Ersatz, translated by Lida Starodubtseva
Maria Stepanova, Selection of essays – Slovenian edition published by Beletrina, translated by Urša Zabukovec, Aleš Učakar and Aljaž Glaser

Second row (from left to right):
Peter Handke, Die linkshändige Frau– Turkish edition published by Kirmizi, translated by Süheyla Kaya
Mahler, Komplett Kafka – Spanish edition published by Salamandra, translated by Esther Cruz Santaella
Maxim Znak, Зекамерон – Swedish edition published by Ersatz, translated by Hanna Sandborgh
Serhij Zhadan, Ворошиловград – Swedish edition published by Ersatz, translated by David Szybek
Serhij Zhadan, Інтернат– Swedish edition published by Ersatz, translated by Sofia Uggla
Robert Walser, Short Prose (Selection) – French edition published by Zoé, translated by Marion Graf
Juri Andruchowytsch, Московіада– Swedish edition published by Ersatz, translated by Sofia Uggla
Serhij Zhadan , Інтернат– Slovenian edition published by Beletrina, translated by Janja Lubej Vollmaier and Primož Lubej

Third row (from left to right):
Peter Handke, Versuch über den geglückten Tag – Danish edition published by Batzer, translated by Paul Klitnæs
Peter Sloterdijk, Was geschah im 20. Jahrhundert – Turkish edition published by Can/Tellekt, translated by Mustafa Tüzel
Theodor W. Adorno, Minima Moralia – Swedish edition published by Arkiv, translated by Lars Bjurman
Clemens J. Setz, Monde vor der Landung – Italian edition published by La Nave di Teseo, translated by Francesca Gabelli
Markus Gabriel, Fiktionen – UK edition published by Polity, translated by Wieland Hoban
Maria Stepanova, Памяти памяти– Braszilian edition published by WMF Martins Fontes, translated by Irineu Franco Perpétuo
Hermann Hesse, Knulp – Greek edition published by Dioptra, translated by Vassilis Tsalis
Christa Wolf, Kein Ort. Nirgends – Turkish edition published by Kültür, translated by Regaip Minareci


Completely Kafka

Girls and Institutions / I Wish Ashes for My House

The Emotional Life of Populism

Moons before the Landing

The Zekameron


In Memory of Memory

The Orphanage

What Happened in the 20th Century?


Normalizing the State of Exception


The Moravian Night

The Moscoviad

Essay on the Successful Day

Horn's End

No Place on Earth

The Left-Handed Woman

Minima Moralia
