Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – November 2022, issue 2

Beitrag zu Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – November 2022, issue 2
We are delighted to present to you our latest arrivals:

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First row (from left to right):

Thomas Bernhard, Der Stimmenimitator: Swedish edition published by Tranan, translated by Jan Erik Bornlid

Serhiy Zhadan, Інтернат: French edition published by Noir sur Blanc, translated by Iryna Dmytrchyn

Peter Handke, Versuch über den Stillen Ort: Swedish edition published by Faethon, translated by Jesper Festin

Bernd Brunner, Das Granatapfelbuch: Catalan edition published by Edicions Reremús, translated by Ramon Alcoberro i Torres

Hermann Hesse, Glück: Serbian edition published by Narodna Knjiga / Miba Books, translated by Ema Piroška Matić

Eva Illouz / Dana Kaplan, Was ist sexuelles Kapital?: Greek edition published by Eikostou Protou, translated by Dionysis Papadoukakis

Ariane Koch, Die Aufdrängung: Polish edition published by Drzazki, translated by Zofia Sucharska

Hermann Hesse, Peter Camenzind: Spanish pocketbook edition published by Alianza, translated by Jesús Ruiz

Second row (from left to right):

Theodor W. Adorno, Aspekte des neuen Rechtsradikalismus: Swedish edition published by Nirstedt, translated by Anna Petronella Foultier

Rainald Goetz, Johann Holtrop: Romanian edition published by Cartier, translated by Victor Scoradet

Clemens J. Setz, Der Trost runder Dinge: French edition published by Actes Sud, translated by Stéphanie Lux

Hermann Hesse, Poems (vol. 2): Ukrainian edition published by Propyläen

Angelika Neuwirth, The Qur'an: Text and Commentary, Volume 1. Early Meccan Suras: Poetic Prophecy: English edition published by Yale UP, translated by Samuel Wilder

Hartmut Rosa, Beschleunigung: Japanese edition published by Fukumura Shuppan

Robert Menasse, Die Hauptstadt: Turkish edition published by Everest, translated by Deniz Yetkin

Patrick Roth, Magdalena am Grab: Italian edition published by Il Saggiatore, translated by Eleonora Di Blasio

Photo 2

First row (from left to right):

Serhiy Zhadan, Anarchy in the UKR: Swedish edition published by Bonniers, translated by Nils Håkanson

Axel Honneth, Die Idee des Sozialismus: Slovak edition published by Veda, translated by Patrícia Elexová

Boris von Brauchitsch, Gabriele Münter: Korean edition published by Pung Wol Dang

Hermann Hesse, Poems (vol. 1): Ukrainian edition published by Propyläen

Axel Honneth, Pathologien der Vernunft: Chinese simplex edition published by Shanghai People’s Publishing House

Peter Handke, Mein Tag im anderen Land: Swedish edition published by Faethon, translated by Jesper Festin

Peter Handke, Essays (selection): Italian edition published by Meltemi, translated by Davide Di Maio & Gabriella Pelloni

Peter Handke, Versuch über den Pilznarren: Swedish edition published by Faethon, translated by Jesper Festin

Second row (from left to right):

Eva Illouz / Dana Kaplan, Was ist sexuelles Kapital?: Swedish edition published by Daidalos, translated by Svenja Hums

Maria Stepanova, Nach dem Gedächtnis: Norwegian edition published by Gyldendal, translated by Marit Bjerkeng

Hermann Hesse, Die Nürnberger Reise: Serbian edition published by Narodna Knjiga / Miba Books, translated by Ema Piroška Matić

Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Eine Handvoll Anekdoten: French edition published by Gallimard, translated by Bernard Lortholary

Theodor W. Adorno, Aspekte des neuen Rechtsradikalismus: Norwegian edition published by Cappelen Damm, translated by Pal Veiden

Charlotte Beradt, Das Dritte Reich des Traums: Brazilian Portuguese edition published by Fosfóro, translated by Silvia Bittencourt

Thomas Bernhard, Korrektur: Swedish edition published by Tranan, translated by Jan Erik Bornlid

Ingeborg Bachmann, Kriegstagebuch: Hebrew edition published by Hakibbutz Hameuchad, translated by Tali Konas


What is Sexual Capital?


My Day in the Other Country

Aspects of Contemporary Right-Wing Radicalism

The Comfort of Round Things

A Handful of Anecdotes

In Memory of Memory

The Book of Pomegranates

Gabriele Münter

The Capital

The Orphanage

The Third Reich of Dreams

The Idea of Socialism

Essay on the Mushroom Hunter

Essay on the Quite Place

Johann Holtrop

The Qur'an: Text and Commentary

War Diary

Pathology of Reason
