Charlotte Beradt

Charlotte Beradt

Charlotte Beradt was born in Forst, Germany, in 1907 and died in New York in 1986. She was a journalist and author and edited publications with texts by Rosa Luxemburg and Paul Levi. She also published a biography on the latter, entitled Paul Levi. Ein demokratischer Sozialist in der Weimarer Republik, in 1969.

Charlotte Beradt was born in Forst, Germany, in 1907 and died in New York in 1986. She was a journalist and author and edited publications with texts by Rosa Luxemburg and Paul Levi. She also published a biography on the latter, entitled Paul Levi. Ein demokratischer Sozialist in der Weimarer Republik, in 1969.


The Third Reich of Dreams
Year of Publication: 2016
Charlotte BeradtYear of Publication: 2016

Charlotte Beradt, who had worked as a journalist in Berlin until, from 1933 onwards, she was no longer employed, fled to England in 1939 and then to New York in 1940. She collected dreams that had...

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