Bruno-Kreisky-Preis 2021 for Natascha Strobl

Natascha Strobl has been honoured with the recognition award of the Bruno-Kreisky-Preis 2021 for her book Radicalised Conservatism. The Bruno-Kreisky-Preis for Political Writing is awarded annually by the Karl Renner Institute in cooperation with institutions of the Social Democratic Party of Austria. In the spirit of Bruno Kreisky’s life’s work, the prize, awarded in five categories since 1993, honours political literature that advocates for freedom, equality, social justice, solidarity and tolerance.

The jury states that: »There are books that truly come at the right time and encapsulate the zeitgeist. This is the case with Natascha Strobl. With her analysis of radicalised conservatism, she presents a book that describes political developments from Washington to Vienna to Budapest. Conservative centre-right parties are either hijacked by the right or adopt right-wing language and content. Conservatism is losing its ›solid middle-class‹ basic orientations and what is worth preserving. The constant campaigning by using clear enemy stereotypes and diffuse agitations as well as the glorification of individual leader figures characterise the political repertoire. In their own parties, they reduce democracy, rely on narrow circles of power and unconditional personalisation. The view of society as a whole is lost. Strobl analyses the structures, language and practices of a traditional political movement that has lost its essence with focused and razor-sharp precision.«

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Natascha Strobl, born in Vienna in 1985, is a political scientist and journalist. She writes for publications such as Der Standard, ZEIT Online and taz. die tageszeitung. On Twitter, she publishes assessments of right-wing language and strategies under the hashtag #NatsAnalyse.
Natascha Strobl, born in Vienna in 1985, is a political scientist and journalist. She writes for publications such as Der Standard, ZEIT...


Radicalised Conservatism