Natascha Strobl
Autorenfoto zu Natascha Strobl

Natascha Strobl

Natascha Strobl, born in Vienna in 1985, is a political scientist and journalist. She writes for publications such as Der Standard, ZEIT Online and taz. die tageszeitung. On Twitter, she publishes assessments of right-wing language and strategies under the hashtag #NatsAnalyse.
Natascha Strobl, born in Vienna in 1985, is a political scientist and journalist. She writes for publications such as Der Standard, ZEIT Online and taz. die tageszeitung. On Twitter, she publishes assessments of right-wing language and strategies under the hashtag #NatsAnalyse.
Awards (selection)
Bruno-Kreisky-Preis 2021 for Radikalisierter Konservatismus
Bruno-Kreisky-Preis 2021 for Radikalisierter Konservatismus


The Art of Culture War
Year of Publication: 2024
Natascha StroblYear of Publication: 2024
A single gender-neutral term on the news and the internet explodes. A publisher takes a book off the shelves because the language is no longer considered appropriate, and a seemingly trifling matter almost spirals into a matter of state. A transgender influencer does an ad for a beer company, conservatives launch a boycott, and the share prices of the biggest brewery in the world crash. In the...
Radicalised Conservatism
Year of Publication: 2021
Natascha StroblYear of Publication: 2021
The crisis of social democracy is being talked about everywhere. But many traditional centre-right parties are also in decline or at least find themselves in a predicament: should they open up to...
Rights sold to:

Spanish world rights (Katz), Italy (LEG), Sweden (Atlas)

Domestic Rights Sales: German Audiobook (CC Live)



We congratulate Natascha Strobl on the Bruno-Kreisky-Preis 2021.