German Crime Fiction Prize 2021 for Merle Kröger and Johannes Groschupf

Beitrag zu German Crime Fiction Prize 2021 for Merle Kröger and Johannes Groschupf
We are proud to announce that 1st place of this year’s German Crime Fiction Prize has been awarded to Merle Kröger for her thriller The Experts and are delighted to see another Suhrkamp author in 2nd place: Johannes Groschupf with his thriller Berlin Heat.

Hailed »a milestone in the field of historical thrillers« by Welt am Sonntag, The Experts was also shortlisted for the Crime Cologne Award 2021 and appeared on the Deutschlandfunk Kultur Best Crime of the Month list for three successive months.

The jury states: »The way Merle Kröger combines the private with the political is remarkable. [...] In this family history, in this thriller, the repressed is revealed, things that are not spoken of to this day, in terms of the great continuities in politics. Decisions made in the early years of the Federal Republic of Germany continue to affect the present. And in terms of continuities in research, in cultural institutions, in companies and in the question of where capital actually comes from. But there are also continuities within families. Political thrillers are meant to uncover the truth behind the truth, and Merle Kröger's The Experts reveals that there are many truths.« (Sonja Hartl, Zeilenkino)

Berlin Heat, a suspenseful and exciting top-notch thriller by the winner of the German Crime Fiction Prize 2019, also found its way onto the Deutschlandfunk Kultur Best Crime of the Month list and is a comédie humaine of present-day Berlin.

The jury of the German Crime Fiction Prize says about Berlin Heat: »Johannes Groschupf chases his ambiguous hero, who soon has half the city on his tail, from one mess to the next in a way that is as gripping as it is entertaining – and uses the opportunity this wild chase offers to create a shimmering metropolitan portrait of a special kind: in the tropical summer of 2021, Covid has been more or less overcome, national elections are just around the corner, and the urbanites are really letting loose after a year and a half of isolation. [...] Berlin Heat is a highly contemporary, edgy (political) thriller with wit and savvy that celebrates life with great relish. Even if that comes at a great price sometimes.« (Ulrich Noller, WDR)

The German Crime Fiction Prize is the oldest award for crime fiction in Germany. Since 1985, a jury of crime critics, literary scholars, and crime fiction booksellers distinguishes the best crime novels of the year. The German Crime Fiction Prize honours novels that »lend new impulses to the genre with original content and literary skill.«

For more information please visit the authors’ Foreign Rights Websites or contact the respective Rights Manager.

Johannes Groschupf, born in 1963, worked as an independent travel journalist for many years. In 1994, he survived a helicopter crash in the Sahara. Based on this experience, 1998 saw the creation of the award-winning radio feature Der Absturz (»The Crash«). After that, he focused on literary works, first and foremost in the field of YA literature, before turning to suspense writing. He was awarded the German Crime Fiction Prize for all three of his thrillers Berlin Preppers, Berlin Heat and Hyaenas.

Johannes Groschupf, born in 1963, worked as an independent travel journalist for many years. In 1994, he survived a helicopter crash in the...

Merle Kröger, born in Plön/Schleswig-Holstein, lives in Berlin where she works as a novelist, screenwriter and dramaturg. She was a member of the Berlin film collective dogfilm (1992 – 1999) and founded pong film in 2001. Kröger is the co-author of Philip Scheffner's internationally awarded cinema documentaries Day of the Sparrow (2010), Revision (2012) and Havarie (2016). A feature film (Europe) will premiere in 2021. Kröger has published four novels to date, including Grenzfall (2012) and Havarie (2015). She belongs to the elite of German crime fiction. Her novels have received numerous awards, including Best Crime Novel of the Year, the Radio Bremen Prize for Crime Fiction and the German Crime...

Merle Kröger, born in Plön/Schleswig-Holstein, lives in Berlin where she works as a novelist, screenwriter and dramaturg. She was a...


Berlin Heat

The Experts