Merle Kröger
Autorenfoto zu Merle Kröger

Merle Kröger

Merle Kröger, born in Plön/Schleswig-Holstein, lives in Berlin where she works as a novelist, screenwriter and dramaturg. She was a member of the Berlin film collective dogfilm (1992 – 1999) and founded pong film in 2001. Kröger is the co-author of Philip Scheffner's internationally awarded cinema documentaries Day of the Sparrow (2010), Revision (2012) and Havarie (2016). A feature film (Europe) will premiere in 2021. Kröger has published four novels to date, including Grenzfall (2012) and Havarie (2015). She belongs to the elite of German crime fiction. Her novels have received numerous awards, including Best Crime Novel of the Year, the Radio Bremen Prize for Crime Fiction and the German Crime Fiction Prize.

Merle Kröger, born in Plön/Schleswig-Holstein, lives in Berlin where she works as a novelist, screenwriter and dramaturg. She was a member of the Berlin film collective dogfilm (1992 – 1999) and founded pong film in 2001. Kröger is the co-author of Philip Scheffner's internationally awarded cinema documentaries Day of the Sparrow (2010), Revision (2012) and Havarie (2016). A feature film (Europe) will premiere in 2021. Kröger has published four novels to date, including Grenzfall (2012) and Havarie (2015). She belongs to the elite of German crime fiction. Her novels have received numerous awards, including Best Crime Novel of the Year, the Radio Bremen Prize for Crime Fiction and the German Crime Fiction Prize.

Awards (selection)
Stuttgarter Krimipreis 2022 for Die Experten
German Crime Fiction Prize 2021 for Die Experten
Stuttgarter Krimipreis 2022 for Die Experten
German Crime Fiction Prize 2021 for Die Experten


The Experts
Year of Publication: 2021
Merle KrögerYear of Publication: 2021

The 1960s have started and with them the Age of Aquarius. Adolf Eichmann is sentenced to death in Tel Aviv. Konrad Adenauer agrees on military aid for Israel. At the same time, however, German aeronautical engineers, engine builders and rocket scientists are drawn to Egypt in great numbers.

Rita Hellberg, daughter of an engineer, just wants to visit her parents in...


This year's German Crime Fiction Prize honours The Experts and Berlin Heat.