Andrej Bitow
Autorenfoto zu Andrej Bitow

Andrej Bitow

Andrei Bitov was born in 1937 in Leningrad, where he studied Geology. Since 1959 he has published numerous short stories, essays, novels, and travelogues. He was awarded the Pushkin Prize in 1990 and came to international fame with his 1978 novel Пушкинский дом (Pushkin House, German edition 1983). In 2018, Bitov passed away in Moscow.

Andrei Bitov was born in 1937 in Leningrad, where he studied Geology. Since 1959 he has published numerous short stories, essays, novels, and travelogues. He was awarded the Pushkin Prize in 1990 and came to international fame with his 1978 novel Пушкинский дом (Pushkin House, German edition 1983). In 2018, Bitov passed away in Moscow.


The Teacher of Symmetry
Year of Publication: 2012
Andrej BitowYear of Publication: 2012
A masterfully crafted, ironically grounded, yet unabashedly melancholy novel – a stocktaking of his life and work: a masterpiece by a world class author writing at the height of his...
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